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Publications: Ms Yonghe Zhou

Zhou Y, Ding S, Liao C, Wu J, Chittka L, Solvi C, Peng F ( 2024 ) . Bumble bees’ food preferences are jointly shaped by rapid evaluation of nectar sugar concentration and viscosity . Animal Behaviour
Zhou Y, MaBouDi H, Peng C, Dona HSG, Al-Khudhairy SG, Chittka L, Solvi C, Peng F ( 2023 ) . Bumblebees display stimulus-specific persistence behaviour after being trained on delayed reinforcement . Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology vol. 78 , ( 1 )
Solvi C, Zhou Y, Feng Y, Lu Y, Roper M, Sun L, Reid RJ, Chittka L et al. ( 2022 ) . Bumblebees retrieve only the ordinal ranking of foraging options when comparing memories obtained in distinct settings . eLife vol. 11 ,
Zhou Y, Sun L, Peng X, Solvi C, Peng F ( 2020 ) . Chromatic, achromatic and bimodal negative patterning discrimination by free-flying bumble bees . Animal Behaviour vol. 169 , 93 - 101 .