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Publications: Dr Gwen Brekelmans

Brekelmans G, Evans BG, Wonnacott E ( 2024 ) . Training Child Learners On Non-Native Vowel Contrasts with Phonetic Training: The Role of Task and Variability . Language Learning
Pownall M, Azevedo F, König LM, Slack HR, Evans TR, Flack Z, Grinschgl S, Elsherif MM et al. ( 2023 ) . Teaching open and reproducible scholarship: a critical review of the evidence base for current pedagogical methods and their outcomes . Royal Society Open Science vol. 10 , ( 5 )
Brekelmans G, Lavan N, Saito H, Clayards M, Wonnacott E ( 2022 ) . Does high variability training improve the learning of non-native phoneme contrasts over low variability training? A replication . Journal of Memory and Language
Sinkeviciute R, Brown H, Brekelmans G, Wonnacott E ( 2019 ) . The role of input variability and learner age in second language vocabulary learning . Studies in Second Language Acquisition vol. 41 , ( 4 ) 795 - 820 .
Bruns C, Varley R, Zimmerer VC, Carragher M, Brekelmans G, Beeke S ( 2019 ) . “I don’t know”: a usage-based approach to familiar collocations in non-fluent aphasia . Aphasiology vol. 33 , ( 2 ) 140 - 162 .
Brekelmans G ( 2017 ) . The value of phonetics and pronunciation teaching for advanced learners of English . Lingüística vol. 57 , ( 1 ) 45 - 58 .

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