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Publications: Dr Mina Tajvidi

Gokce A, Tajvidi M, Hajli N ( 2024 ) . Management Respond to Negative Feedback: AI-Powered Insights for Effective Engagement . IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management vol. 71 , 13983 - 13996 .
Yannopoulou N, Manika D, Chandrasapth K, Tajvidi M, Wells V ( 2023 ) . What we do know and don’t know about marketing communications on mature consumers . European Journal of Marketing vol. 57 , ( 8 ) 1969 - 1995 .
Hajli N, Saeed U, Tajvidi M, Shirazi F ( 2021 ) . Social Bots and the Spread of Disinformation in Social Media: The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence . British Journal of Management
Nadeem W, Tan TM, Tajvidi M, Hajli N ( 2021 ) . How do experiences enhance brand relationship performance and value co-creation in social commerce? The role of consumer engagement and self brand-connection . Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 171 ,
Tajvidi R, Tajvidi M ( 2020 ) . The growth of cyber entrepreneurship in the food industry: virtual community engagement in the COVID-19 era . British Food Journal vol. 123 , ( 10 ) 3309 - 3325 .
Hajli N, Shirazi F, Tajvidi M, Huda N ( 2020 ) . Towards an Understanding of Privacy Management Architecture in Big Data: An Experimental Research . British Journal of Management vol. 32 , ( 2 ) 548 - 565 .