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Publications: Prof Fiona Walter

Jones OT, Matin RN, Walter FM ( 2024 ) . Using artificial intelligence technologies to improve skin cancer detection in primary care . The Lancet Digital Health
Carter C, Roche M, Whitfield E, Budgett J, Morgan-Trimmer S, Zabihi S, Birks Y, Walter F et al. ( 2024 ) . Equality of opportunity for timely dementia diagnosis (EQUATED): a qualitative study of how people from minoritised ethnic groups experience the early symptoms of dementia and seek help . Age and Ageing vol. 53 , ( 11 ) afae244 - afae244 .
Hamad W, Grigore B, Walford H, Peters J, Alexandris P, Bonfield S, Standen L, Boscott R et al. ( 2024 ) . Biomarkers suitable for early detection of intrathoracic cancers in primary care: a systematic review . Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Preventionof1 - of16 .
Harvey-Sullivan A, Ali S, Dhesi P, Hart J, Painter H, Walter FM, Funston G, Zenner D ( 2024 ) . Comparing cancer stage at diagnosis between migrants and non-migrants: a meta-analysis . British Journal of Cancer1 - 10 .
Moore S, Price S, Dongo G, Walter FM, Neal R, Abel GA ( 2024 ) . Clinical risk factors for pancreatic cancer: protocol for an umbrella review . BMJ Open vol. 14 , ( 11 )
Szabo L, Condurache DG, Cooper J, Dostal I, Mathur R, Walter FM, Mamas MA, Neubauer S et al. ( 2024 ) . Cardiovascular disease burden and risk factor management in cancer survivors: insights from a large-scale East London cohort . European Heart Journal . vol. 45 ,
Donoso FS, Carver T, Ficorella L, Fennell N, Antoniou AC, Easton DF, Tischkowitz M, Walter FM et al. ( 2024 ) . Correction: Improving the communication of multifactorial cancer risk assessment results for different audiences: a co-design process . Journal of Community Genetics vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 581 - 581 .
Moodley J, Day S, Ras T, Ataguba JE, Harries J, Jacobs R, Chirenje ZM, Ghuza B et al. ( 2024 ) . Mapping local evidence on early recognition and management of people with potential cancer symptoms: a narrative review . South African Health Review vol. 26 ,
Donoso FS, Carver T, Ficorella L, Fennell N, Antoniou AC, Easton DF, Tischkowitz M, Walter FM et al. ( 2024 ) . Improving the communication of multifactorial cancer risk assessment results for different audiences: a co-design process . Journal of Community Genetics vol. 15 , ( 5 ) 499 - 515 .
McCracken C, Condurache D-G, Szabo L, Elghazaly H, Walter FM, Mead AJ, Chakraverty R, Harvey NC et al. ( 2024 ) . Predictive Performance of Cardiovascular Risk Scores in Cancer Survivors From the UK Biobank . JACC CardioOncology vol. 6 , ( 4 ) 575 - 588 .
Merriel SWD, Buttle P, Price SJ, Burns‐Cox N, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Spencer AE ( 2024 ) . Early economic evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging for prostate cancer detection in primary care . BJUI Compass vol. 5 , ( 9 ) 855 - 864 .
Tan WS, Ahmad A, Zhou Y, Nathan A, Ogunbo A, Gbolahan O, Kallam N, Smith R et al. ( 2024 ) . Hematuria Cancer Risk Score with Ultrasound Informs Cystoscopy Use in Patients with Hematuria . European Urology Oncology
Jones OT, Calanzani N, Scott SE, Matin RN, Emery J, Walter FM ( 2024 ) . User and developer views on using Artificial Intelligence technologies to facilitate the early diagnosis of skin cancers in primary care settings: A qualitative study (Preprint) . JMIR Cancer
Tan WK, Maroni R, Offman J, Zamani SA, Team BT, di Pietro M, O’Donovan M, Muldrew B et al. ( 2024 ) . Targeted Screening for Barrett’s Esophagus and Esophageal Cancer: Post Hoc Analysis From the Randomized BEST3 Trial . Gastroenterology vol. 167 , ( 4 ) 798 - 800.e4 .
Zhou Y, Lyratzopoulos G, Rajan P, Walter FM, Wu J ( 2024 ) . Understanding symptom contribution to sex inequality in bladder and renal cancer stage at diagnosis . BJUI Compass vol. 5 , ( 7 ) 691 - 698 .
Jones OT, Matin RN, Walter FM ( 2024 ) . Using artificial intelligence-based technologies to support the diagnosis and early detection of melanoma in primary care . British Journal of Dermatology vol. 191 , ( 1 ) 13 - 13 .
Onwuka SR, McIntosh J, Macrae F, Chondros P, Boyd L, Wijesuriya R, Saya S, Karnchanachari N et al. ( 2024 ) . Should I Take Aspirin? (SITA): RCT of a decision aid for cancer chemoprevention . British Journal of General Practice vol. 74 , ( 745 )
O'Flynn HL, Johnson JE, Archer S, Walter F, Crosbie E ( 2024 ) . 996 Understanding symptom appraisal and help-seeking in people with symptoms suggestive of endometrial cancer: a mixed methods study . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Poster and E-Posters vol. 34 , a216 - a217 .
Willis TA, Neal RD, Walter FM, Foy R ( 2023 ) . Priorities for implementation research on diagnosing cancer in primary care: a consensus process . BMC Health Services Research vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Aggarwal A, Choudhury A, Fearnhead N, Kearns P, Kirby A, Lawler M, Quinlan S, Palmieri C et al. ( 2023 ) . The future of cancer care in the UK—time for a radical and sustainable National Cancer Plan . The Lancet Oncology vol. 25 , ( 1 ) e6 - e17 .
Zhou Y, Walter FM ( 2023 ) . Understanding cancer risk in patients at lower risk to improve early cancer diagnosis . The Lancet Oncology vol. 24 , ( 11 ) 1166 - 1167 .
Merriel SW, Archer S, Forster AS, Eldred-Evans D, McGrath JS, Ahmed HU, Hamilton W, Walter FM ( 2023 ) . Acceptability of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for prostate cancer diagnosis with patients and GPs: a qualitative interview study . British Journal of General Practice vol. 74 , ( 745 )
Funston G, Moullet M, Mounce L, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter FM, Zhou Y ( 2023 ) . Pre-diagnostic prescription patterns in bladder and renal cancer: a longitudinal linked data study . British Journal of General Practice vol. 74 , ( 740 )
Khan S, Hynes M, Nwolise C, Bali R, Doohan R, Harwood C, Junejo M, Layton T et al. ( 2023 ) . DS09 (P50) Exploring Unmet Needs and Attitudes to Skin ­Self-examination in melanoma survivors: EUNASS study . British Journal of Dermatology . vol. 188 ,
Khan S, Hynes M, Nwolise C, Bali R, Doohan R, Harwood C, Junejo M, Layton T et al. ( 2023 ) . P50 Exploring unmet needs and attitudes to skin self-examination in melanoma survivors: EUNASS study . British Journal of Dermatology . vol. 188 ,
Ghimire B, Landy R, Maroni R, Smith SG, Debiram-Beecham I, Sasieni PD, Fitzgerald RC, Rubin G et al. ( 2023 ) . Patient reported experiences of the Cytosponge test: Analysis of patient survey data from the BEST3 trial .
Snudden CM, Calanzani N, Archer S, Honey S, Pannebakker MM, Faher A, Chang A, Hamilton W et al. ( 2023 ) . Can we do better? A qualitative study in the East of England investigating patient experience and acceptability of using the faecal immunochemical test in primary care . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 6 )
Walter F ( 2023 ) . Early detection of pancreatic cancer: a primary care perspective . Pancreatology vol. 23 , ( 4 ) e2 - e3 .
Merriel SWD, Hall R, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Spencer AE ( 2023 ) . Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis of Economic Evaluations of Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Pathways Incorporating Prebiopsy Magnetic Resonance Imaging . European Urology Open Science vol. 52 , 123 - 134 .
Prado MG, Kessler LG, Au MA, Burkhardt HA, Suchsland MZ, Kowalski L, Stephens KA, Yetisgen M et al. ( 2023 ) . Symptoms and signs of lung cancer prior to diagnosis: case–control study using electronic health records from ambulatory care within a large US-based tertiary care centre . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 4 )
Raisi-Estabragh Z, Cooper J, McCracken C, Crosbie EJ, Walter FM, Manisty CH, Robson J, Mamas MA et al. ( 2023 ) . Incident cardiovascular events and imaging phenotypes in UK Biobank participants with past cancer . Heart vol. 109 , ( 13 ) 1007 - 1015 .
Archer S, Donoso FS, Carver T, Yue A, Cunningham AP, Ficorella L, Tischkowitz M, Easton DF et al. ( 2023 ) . Exploring the barriers and facilitators of implementing CanRisk in primary care: a qualitative thematic framework analysis . British Journal of General Practice vol. 73 , ( 733 )
Zhou Y, Singh H, Hamilton W, Archer S, Tan S, Brimicombe J, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter FM ( 2023 ) . Identifying targets for improving the diagnostic process of patients with possible bladder and kidney cancer: a mixed-methods study . British Journal of General Practice vol. 73 , ( 733 )
Shaw B, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Martins T ( 2023 ) . Symptom appraisal and help-seeking in men with symptoms of possible prostate cancer: a qualitative study with an ethnically diverse sample in London . British Journal of General Practice vol. 73 , ( 732 )
Kessler L, Le Beau MM, Smith RA, Walter FM, Wender R ( 2023 ) . The modeling of multicancer early detection (MCED) tests’ residual risk and the challenges of MCED evaluation and implementation . Cancer vol. 129 , ( 13 ) 1966 - 1968 .
Usher-Smith JA, Hindmarch S, French DP, Tischkowitz M, Moorthie S, Walter FM, Dennison RA, Stutzin Donoso F et al. ( 2023 ) . Proactive breast cancer risk assessment in primary care: a review based on the principles of screening . British Journal of Cancer vol. 128 , ( 9 ) 1636 - 1646 .
Papavasiliou E, Sills VA, Calanzani N, Harrison H, Snudden C, di Martino E, Cowan A, Behiyat D et al. ( 2023 ) . Diagnostic Performance of Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer Detection Suitable for Community and Primary Care Settings: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Cancers vol. 15 , ( 3 )
Emery JD, Jenkins MA, Saya S, Chondros P, Oberoi J, Milton S, Novy K, Habgood E et al. ( 2023 ) . The CRISP Trial: RCT of a decision support tool for risk-stratified colorectal cancer screening . British Journal of General Practice vol. 73 , ( 733 )
Ghimire B, Landy R, Maroni R, Smith SG, Debiram-Beecham I, Sasieni PD, Fitzgerald RC, Rubin G et al. ( 2023 ) . Predictors of the experience of a Cytosponge test: analysis of patient survey data from the BEST3 trial . BMC Gastroenterology vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Hardy V, Usher-Smith J, Archer S, Barnes R, Lancaster J, Johnson M, Thompson M, Emery J et al. ( 2023 ) . Agreement between patient’s description of abdominal symptoms of possible upper gastrointestinal cancer and general practitioner consultation notes: a qualitative analysis of video-recorded UK primary care consultation data . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 1 )
Suchsland MZ, Kowalski L, Burkhardt HA, Prado MG, Kessler LG, Yetisgen M, Au MA, Stephens KA et al. ( 2022 ) . How Timely Is Diagnosis of Lung Cancer? Cohort Study of Individuals with Lung Cancer Presenting in Ambulatory Care in the United States . Cancers vol. 14 , ( 23 )
Mutebi M, Lewison G, Aggarwal A, Alatise OI, Booth C, Cira M, Grover S, Ginsburg O et al. ( 2022 ) . Cancer research across Africa: a comparative bibliometric analysis . BMJ Global Health vol. 7 , ( 11 )
Sivalingam VN, Tamber KK, Newsham J, Ogden S, Winters U, Walter FM, Edmondson R, Gorman L et al. ( 2022 ) . 2022-RA-916-ESGO The Early Detection of vulval CAncer Through self-Examination (EDuCATE) study: What women and clinicians think . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Vaginal and vulvar cancer vol. 32 , a435 - a436 .
Saya S, Boyd L, Chondros P, McNamara M, King M, Milton S, Lourenco RDA, Clark M et al. ( 2022 ) . The SCRIPT trial: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a polygenic risk score to tailor colorectal cancer screening in primary care . Trials vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Lee A, Mavaddat N, Cunningham A, Carver T, Ficorella L, Archer S, Walter FM, Tischkowitz M et al. ( 2022 ) . Enhancing the BOADICEA cancer risk prediction model to incorporate new data on RAD51C, RAD51D, BARD1 updates to tumour pathology and cancer incidence . Journal of Medical Genetics vol. 59 , ( 12 ) 1206 - 1218 .
Calanzani N, Pannebakker MM, Tagg MJ, Walford H, Holloway P, de Wit N, Hamilton W, Walter FM ( 2022 ) . Who are the patients being offered the faecal immunochemical test in routine English general practice, and for what symptoms? A prospective descriptive study . BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 9 )
Murchie P, Constable L, Hall S, Brant W, Allan J, Johnston M, Masthoff J, Lee A et al. ( 2022 ) . The Achieving Self-directed Integrated Cancer Aftercare Intervention for Detection of Recurrent and Second Primary Melanoma in Survivors of Melanoma: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial . JMIR Cancer vol. 8 , ( 3 )
Sarma EA, Walter FM, Kobrin SC ( 2022 ) . Achieving Diagnostic Excellence for Cancer . JAMA vol. 328 , ( 6 ) 525 - 526 .
Black GB, van Os S, Renzi C, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Whitaker KL ( 2022 ) . Correction: How does safety netting for lung cancer symptoms help patients to reconsult appropriately? A qualitative study . BMC Primary Care vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Vermond D, de Groot E, Sills VA, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter FM, de Wit NJ, Rubin G ( 2022 ) . The evolution and co-evolution of a primary care cancer research network: From academic social connection to research collaboration . PLOS ONE vol. 17 , ( 7 )
Merriel SWD, Archer S, Forster AS, Eldred-Evans D, McGrath J, Ahmed HU, Hamilton W, Walter FM ( 2022 ) . Experiences of ‘traditional’ and ‘one-stop’ MRI-based prostate cancer diagnostic pathways in England: a qualitative study with patients and GPs . BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 7 )
Black GB, van Os S, Renzi C, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Whitaker KL ( 2022 ) . How does safety netting for lung cancer symptoms help patients to reconsult appropriately? A qualitative study . BMC Primary Care vol. 23 , ( 1 )
Funston G, Crosbie EJ, Hamilton W, Walter FM ( 2022 ) . Detecting ovarian cancer in primary care: can we do better? . British Journal of General Practice vol. 72 , ( 720 ) 312 - 313 .
Jones OT, Matin RN, van der Schaar M, Bhayankaram KP, Ranmuthu CKI, Islam MS, Behiyat D, Boscott R et al. ( 2022 ) . Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for early detection of skin cancer in community and primary care settings: a systematic review . The Lancet Digital Health vol. 4 , ( 6 ) e466 - e476 .
Karnchanachari N, Milton S, Muhlen‐Schulte T, Scarborough R, Holland JF, Walter FM, Zalcberg J, Emery J ( 2022 ) . The SYMPTOM‐upper gastrointestinal study: A mixed methods study exploring symptom appraisal and help‐seeking in Australian upper gastrointestinal cancer patients . European Journal of Cancer Care vol. 31 , ( 5 )
Nnaji CA, Kuodi P, Walter FM, Moodley J ( 2022 ) . Effectiveness of interventions for improving timely diagnosis of breast and cervical cancers in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review . BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 4 )
Maroni R, Barnes J, Offman J, Scheibl F, Smith SG, Debiram-Beecham I, Waller J, Sasieni P et al. ( 2022 ) . Patient-reported experiences and views on the Cytosponge test: a mixed-methods analysis from the BEST3 trial . BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 4 )
Moullet M, Funston G, Mounce LT, Abel GA, de Wit N, Walter FM, Zhou Y ( 2022 ) . Pre-diagnostic clinical features and blood tests in patients with colorectal cancer: a retrospective linked data study . British Journal of General Practice vol. 72 , ( 721 )
de Groot E, Vermond D, Sills VA, Mol SSL, Walter FM, Rubin G, de Wit NJ ( 2022 ) . Factors determining development of researchers within a research network on cancer diagnosis in primary care (CanTest): an interview study . BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 3 )
Merriel SWD, Pocock L, Gilbert E, Creavin S, Walter FM, Spencer A, Hamilton W ( 2022 ) . Systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) for the detection of prostate cancer in symptomatic patients . BMC Medicine vol. 20 , ( 1 )
Nnaji CA, Ezenwankwo EF, Kuodi P, Walter FM, Moodley J ( 2022 ) . Timeliness of diagnosis of breast and cervical cancers and associated factors in low-income and middle-income countries: a scoping review . BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 2 )
Hardy V, Yue A, Archer S, Merriel SWD, Thompson M, Emery J, Usher-Smith J, Walter FM ( 2022 ) . Role of primary care physician factors on diagnostic testing and referral decisions for symptoms of possible cancer: A systematic review . BMJ Open vol. 12 , ( 1 )
Aggarwal A, Walter FM, Sullivan R, Van Der Meulen J ( 2022 ) . "shopping around" for treatment is not a solution to cancer backlog . The BMJ
Milton SR, McIntosh J, Macrae F, Chondros P, Boyd L, Wijesuriya R, Saya S, Karnchanachari N et al. ( 2022 ) . Should I take aspirin? (SITA): An RCT of a decision aid to support informed choices about taking aspirin to prevent cancer and other chronic disease: trial results . ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY . vol. 18 , 134 - 135 .
Lee A, Yang X, Tyrer J, Gentry-Maharaj A, Ryan A, Mavaddat N, Cunningham AP, Carver T et al. ( 2021 ) . Comprehensive epithelial tubo-ovarian cancer risk prediction model incorporating genetic and epidemiological risk factors . Journal of Medical Genetics vol. 59 , ( 7 ) 632 - 643 .
Reilly F, Contstable L, Brant W, Rahman K, Durrani A, Burrows N, Proby C, Allan J et al. ( 2021 ) . Achieving integrated self-directed Cancer aftercare (ASICA) for melanoma: how a digital intervention to support total skin self-examination was used by people treated for cutaneous melanoma . BMC Cancer vol. 21 , ( 1 )
Sivalingam VN, Tamber K, Newsham J, Ogden S, Winters U, Walter FM, Edmondson RJ, Crosbie EJ ( 2021 ) . EPV284/#238 The early detection of vulvar cancer through self-examination (educate) study: what women and clinicians think . Presented at: E-Posters ,
Merriel SWD, Pocock L, Gilbert E, Creavin S, Walter FM, Spencer A, Hamilton W ( 2021 ) . Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis of the Diagnostic Accuracy of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for the Detection of Prostate Cancer in Symptomatic Patients .
Zhou Y, Walter FM, Mounce L, Abel GA, Singh H, Hamilton W, Stewart GD, Lyratzopoulos G ( 2021 ) . Identifying opportunities for timely diagnosis through patterns of primary care tests in patients with bladder and renal cancer: a longitudinal linked data study . British Journal of General Practice vol. 72 , ( 714 )
Thompson MJ, Suchsland MZ, Hardy V, Lavallee DC, Lord S, Devine EB, Jarvik JG, Findlay S et al. ( 2021 ) . Patient-centred outcomes of imaging tests: recommendations for patients, clinicians and researchers . BMJ Quality & Safety vol. 32 , ( 9 ) 536 - 545 .
Moodley J, Harries J, Scott SE, Mwaka AD, Saji S, Walter FM ( 2021 ) . Exploring primary care level provider interpretation and management of potential breast and cervical cancer signs and symptoms in South Africa . Ecancermedicalscience vol. 15 ,
Harrison H, Usher-Smith JA, Li L, Roberts L, Lin Z, Thompson RE, Rossi SH, Stewart GD et al. ( 2021 ) . Risk prediction models for symptomatic patients with bladder and kidney cancer: a systematic review . British Journal of General Practice vol. 72 , ( 714 )
Habgood E, McCormack C, Walter FM, Emery JD ( 2021 ) . Patients’ Experiences of Using Skin Self-monitoring Apps With People at Higher Risk of Melanoma: Qualitative Study . JMIR Dermatology vol. 4 , ( 2 )
Mazza D, Lin X, Walter FM, Young JM, Barnes DJ, Mitchell PL, Brijnath B, Martin A et al. ( 2021 ) . Do ethnic patients report longer lung cancer intervals than Anglo‐Australian patients?: Findings from a prospective, observational cohort study . European Journal of Cancer Care vol. 30 , ( 6 )
Milton S, McIntosh J, Macrae F, Chondros P, Trevena L, Jenkins M, Walter FM, Taylor N et al. ( 2021 ) . An RCT of a decision aid to support informed choices about taking aspirin to prevent colorectal cancer and other chronic diseases: a study protocol for the SITA (Should I Take Aspirin?) trial . Trials vol. 22 , ( 1 )
Martins T, Walter FM, Penfold C, Abel G, Hamilton W ( 2021 ) . Primary care use by men with symptoms of possible prostate cancer: A multi‐method study with an ethnically diverse sample in London . European Journal of Cancer Care vol. 30 , ( 6 )
Walter FM ( 2021 ) . Could ovarian cancer prediction models improve the triage of symptomatic women in primary care? A modelling study using routinely collected data . Cancers vol. 13 , ( 12 )
Archer S, Calanzani N, Honey S, Johnson M, Neal R, Scott SE, Walter FM ( 2021 ) . Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer assessment in primary care: a qualitative study of GP views . BJGP Open vol. 5 , ( 4 )
O'Flynn H, Jones E, Njoku K, Rana D, Shelton D, Narine N, Ramchander NC, Patel V et al. ( 2021 ) . Cytology for the diagnosis of endometrial cancer in symptomatic women . vol. 2021 , ( 5 )
Nnaji CA, Kuodi P, Walter FM, Moodley J ( 2021 ) . Timeliness of diagnosis of breast and cervical cancers and associated factors in low-income and middle-income countries: a scoping review protocol . BMJ Open vol. 11 , ( 5 )
Druce P, Calanzani N, Snudden C, Milley K, Boscott R, Behiyat D, Martinez-Gutierrez J, Saji S et al. ( 2021 ) . Identifying Novel Biomarkers Ready for Evaluation in Low-Prevalence Populations for the Early Detection of Lower Gastrointestinal Cancers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Advances in Therapy vol. 38 , ( 6 ) 3032 - 3065 .
Al Achkar M, Suchsland MZ, Walter FM, Neal RD, Goulart BHL, Thompson MJ ( 2021 ) . Experiences along the diagnostic pathway for patients with advanced lung cancer in the USA: a qualitative study . BMJ Open vol. 11 , ( 4 )
Calanzani N, Chang A, Van Melle M, Pannebakker MM, Funston G, Walter FM ( 2021 ) . Recognising Colorectal Cancer in Primary Care . Advances in Therapy vol. 38 , ( 5 ) 2732 - 2746 .
Rubin G, Walter FM, Emery J, Hamilton W, Hoare Z, Howse J, Nixon C, Srivastava T et al. ( 2021 ) . Electronic clinical decision support tool for assessing stomach symptoms in primary care (ECASS): a feasibility study . BMJ Open vol. 11 , ( 3 )
Carver T, Hartley S, Lee A, Cunningham AP, Archer S, de Villiers CB, Roberts J, Ruston R et al. ( 2021 ) . CanRisk Tool—A Web Interface for the Prediction of Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk and the Likelihood of Carrying Genetic Pathogenic Variants . Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention vol. 30 , ( 3 ) 469 - 473 .
Jones OT, Calanzani N, Saji S, Duffy SW, Emery J, Hamilton W, Singh H, de Wit NJ et al. ( 2021 ) . Artificial intelligence techniques that may be applied to primary care data to facilitate the earlier diagnosis of cancer: a systematic review (Preprint) . Journal of Medical Internet Research vol. 23 , ( 3 )
Mwaka AD, Walter FM, Scott S, Harries J, Wabinga H, Moodley J ( 2021 ) . Symptom appraisal, help-seeking and perceived barriers to healthcare seeking in Uganda: an exploratory study among women with potential symptoms of breast and cervical cancer . BMJ Open vol. 11 , ( 2 )
Funston G, Mounce LT, Price S, Rous B, Crosbie EJ, Hamilton W, Walter FM ( 2021 ) . CA125 test result, test-to-diagnosis interval and stage in ovarian cancer: a cohort study using electronic health records . British Journal of General Practice vol. 71 , ( 707 )
Forster AS, Rubin G, Emery JD, Thompson M, Sutton S, de Wit N, Walter FM, Lyratzopoulos G ( 2021 ) . Measuring patient experience of diagnostic care and acceptability of testing . Diagnosis vol. 8 , ( 3 ) 317 - 321 .
Mills K, Paxton B, Walter FM, Griffin SJ, Sutton S, Usher-Smith JA ( 2021 ) . Incorporating a brief intervention for personalised cancer risk assessment to promote behaviour change into primary care: a multi-methods pilot study . BMC Public Health vol. 21 , ( 1 )
Bailey SER, Abel GA, Atkins A, Byford R, Davies S-J, Mays J, McDonald TJ, Miller J et al. ( 2021 ) . Diagnostic performance of a faecal immunochemical test for patients with low-risk symptoms of colorectal cancer in primary care: an evaluation in the South West of England . British Journal of Cancer vol. 124 , ( 7 ) 1231 - 1236 .
Moodley J, Constant D, Mwaka AD, Scott SE, Walter FM ( 2021 ) . Anticipated help seeking behaviour and barriers to seeking care for possible breast and cervical cancer symptoms in Uganda and South Africa . Ecancermedicalscience vol. 15 ,
Koo MM, Unger-Saldaña K, Mwaka AD, Corbex M, Ginsburg O, Walter FM, Calanzani N, Moodley J et al. ( 2021 ) . Conceptual Framework to Guide Early Diagnosis Programs for Symptomatic Cancer as Part of Global Cancer Control . JCO Global Oncology vol. 7 , ( 7 )
Zhou Y, Walter FM, Singh H, Hamilton W, Abel GA, Lyratzopoulos G ( 2021 ) . Prolonged Diagnostic Intervals as Marker of Missed Diagnostic Opportunities in Bladder and Kidney Cancer Patients with Alarm Features: A Longitudinal Linked Data Study . Cancers vol. 13 , ( 1 )
Johnston M, Masthoff J, Walter F, Rahman K, Allan J, Burrows N, Proby C, Lee A et al. ( 2021 ) . Behavioral intervention to increase skin examination following melanoma: Development and evaluation . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE . vol. 28 , S126 - S126 .
Milton S, McIntosh JG, Macrae F, Chondros P, Trevena L, Jenkins M, Walter F, Taylor N et al. ( 2021 ) . Running a trial remotely. An RCT of a decision aid to support informed choices about taking aspirin to prevent colorectal cancer and other chronic diseases: Teletrial design and recruitment during COVID-19 . ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY . vol. 17 , 204 - 204 .
Calanzani N, Druce PE, Snudden C, Milley KM, Boscott R, Behiyat D, Saji S, Martinez-Gutierrez J et al. ( 2020 ) . Identifying Novel Biomarkers Ready for Evaluation in Low-Prevalence Populations for the Early Detection of Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers: A Systematic Review . Advances in Therapy vol. 38 , ( 2 ) 793 - 834 .
Funston G, Hardy V, Abel G, Crosbie EJ, Emery J, Hamilton W, Walter FM ( 2020 ) . Identifying Ovarian Cancer in Symptomatic Women: A Systematic Review of Clinical Tools . Cancers vol. 12 , ( 12 )
Nnaji CA, Kuodi P, Walter FM, Moodley J ( 2020 ) . Effectiveness of interventions for improving timely diagnosis of breast and cervical cancers in low and middle-income countries: a systematic review protocol . BMJ Open vol. 10 , ( 12 )
Arendse KD, Walter FM, Pilling M, Zhou Y, Hamilton W, Funston G ( 2020 ) . Time from presentation to pre-diagnostic chest X-ray in symptomatic lung cancer patients: a cohort study using electronic patient records . British Journal of General Practice vol. 71 , ( 705 )
Adoch W, Garimoi CO, Scott SE, Okeny GG, Moodley J, Komakech H, Walter FM, Mwaka AD ( 2020 ) . Knowledge of cervical cancer risk factors and symptoms among women in a refugee settlement: a cross-sectional study in northern Uganda . Conflict and Health vol. 14 , ( 1 )
Evans PH, Rafi I, Hayward J, Dineen M, Walter FM ( 2020 ) . Primary care genomic research: One eye on the future . InnovAiT Education and inspiration for general practice vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 131 - 136 .
Mirza FN, Yumeen S, Walter FM ( 2020 ) . The epidemiology of malignant melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma in the UK from 2004 to 2014: a population‐based cohort analysis using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink . British Journal of Dermatology vol. 184 , ( 2 ) 365 - 367 .
Harries J, Scott SE, Walter FM, Mwaka AD, Moodley J ( 2020 ) . Women’s appraisal, interpretation and help-seeking for possible symptoms of breast and cervical cancer in South Africa: a qualitative study . BMC Women's Health vol. 20 , ( 1 )
Funston G, Hamilton W, Abel G, Crosbie EJ, Rous B, Walter FM ( 2020 ) . The diagnostic performance of CA125 for the detection of ovarian and non-ovarian cancer in primary care: A population-based cohort study . PLOS Medicine vol. 17 , ( 10 )
Moodley J, Constant D, Mwaka AD, Scott SE, Walter FM ( 2020 ) . Mapping awareness of breast and cervical cancer risk factors, symptoms and lay beliefs in Uganda and South Africa . PLOS ONE vol. 15 , ( 10 )
Grant R, Dowswell T, Tomlinson E, Brennan PM, Walter FM, Ben-Shlomo Y, Hunt DW, Bulbeck H et al. ( 2020 ) . Interventions to reduce the time to diagnosis of brain tumours . vol. 2020 , ( 9 )
Fitzgerald RC, di Pietro M, O'Donovan M, Maroni R, Muldrew B, Debiram-Beecham I, Gehrung M, Offman J et al. ( 2020 ) . Cytosponge-trefoil factor 3 versus usual care to identify Barrett's oesophagus in a primary care setting: a multicentre, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial . The Lancet vol. 396 , ( 10247 ) 333 - 344 .
Helsper CW, Campbell C, Emery J, Neal RD, Li L, Rubin G, van Weert H, Vedsted P et al. ( 2020 ) . Cancer has not gone away: A primary care perspective to support a balanced approach for timely cancer diagnosis during COVID‐19 . European Journal of Cancer Care vol. 29 , ( 5 )
Saunders CL, Kilian B, Thompson DJ, McGeoch LJ, Griffin SJ, Antoniou AC, Emery JD, Walter FM et al. ( 2020 ) . External Validation of Risk Prediction Models Incorporating Common Genetic Variants for Incident Colorectal Cancer Using UK Biobank . Cancer Prevention Research vol. 13 , ( 6 ) 509 - 520 .
Rafi I, Crinson I, Dawes M, Rafi D, Pirmohamed M, Walter FM ( 2020 ) . The implementation of pharmacogenomics into UK general practice: a qualitative study exploring barriers, challenges and opportunities . Journal of Community Genetics vol. 11 , ( 3 ) 269 - 277 .
van Melle M, Manzano SISY, Wilson H, Hamilton W, Walter FM, Bailey SER ( 2020 ) . Faecal immunochemical test to triage patients with abdominal symptoms for suspected colorectal cancer in primary care: review of international use and guidelines . Family Practice vol. 37 , ( 5 ) 606 - 615 .
Zhou Y, Abel GA, Hamilton W, Singh H, Walter FM, Lyratzopoulos G ( 2020 ) . Imaging activity possibly signalling missed diagnostic opportunities in bladder and kidney cancer: A longitudinal data-linkage study using primary care electronic health records . Cancer Epidemiology vol. 66 ,
Thorneloe RJ, Hall LH, Walter FM, Side L, Lloyd KE, Smith SG ( 2020 ) . Knowledge of Potential Harms and Benefits of Tamoxifen among Women Considering Breast Cancer Preventive Therapy . Cancer Prevention Research vol. 13 , ( 4 ) 411 - 422 .
Usher-Smith JA, Harshfield A, Saunders CL, Sharp SJ, Emery J, Walter FM, Muir K, Griffin SJ ( 2020 ) . Correction: External validation of risk prediction models for incident colorectal cancer using UK Biobank . British Journal of Cancer vol. 122 , ( 10 ) 1572 - 1575 .
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Walter FM, Pannebakker MM, Barclay ME, Mills K, Saunders CL, Murchie P, Corrie P, Hall P et al. ( 2020 ) . Effect of a Skin Self-monitoring Smartphone Application on Time to Physician Consultation Among Patients With Possible Melanoma . JAMA Network Open vol. 3 , ( 2 )
Zhou Y, Funston G, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter FM ( 2020 ) . Correction to: Improving the Timely Detection of Bladder and Kidney Cancer in Primary Care . Advances in Therapy vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 1702 - 1702 .
Walter FM, Emery JD ( 2020 ) . Further evaluation is required for smartphone-aided diagnosis of skin cancer . The Lancet Digital Health vol. 2 , ( 3 ) e104 - e105 .
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Jones OT, Ranmuthu CKI, Hall PN, Funston G, Walter FM ( 2019 ) . Recognising Skin Cancer in Primary Care . Advances in Therapy vol. 37 , ( 1 ) 603 - 616 .
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Mazza D, Lin X, Emery J, Walter F, Young J, Barnes D, Mitchell P, Brijnath B et al. ( 2019 ) . MA22.06 Longer Lung Cancer Time Intervals Amongst Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Patient Than Anglo-Australian Patients . Journal of Thoracic Oncology vol. 14 , ( 10 ) s340 - s341 .
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Walter FM, Moodley JR ( 2019 ) . Population risk factors for late-stage presentation of cervical cancer in sub-Saharan Africa . Cancer Epidemiology vol. 63 ,
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Walter FM, Thompson MJ, Wellwood I, Abel GA, Hamilton W, Johnson M, Lyratzopoulos G, Messenger MP et al. ( 2019 ) . Evaluating diagnostic strategies for early detection of cancer: the CanTest framework . BMC Cancer vol. 19 , ( 1 )
Murchie P, Masthoff J, Walter FM, Rahman K, Allan JL, Burrows N, Proby C, Lee AJ et al. ( 2019 ) . Achieving Self-Directed Integrated Cancer Aftercare (ASICA) in melanoma: protocol for a randomised patient-focused pilot trial of delivering the ASICA intervention as a means to earlier detection of recurrent and second primary melanoma . Trials vol. 20 , ( 1 )
Jones OT, Jurascheck LC, Utukuri M, Pannebakker MM, Emery J, Walter FM ( 2019 ) . Dermoscopy use in UK primary care: a survey of GPs with a special interest in dermatology . Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology vol. 33 , ( 9 ) 1706 - 1712 .
Zhou Y, Funston G, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter FM ( 2019 ) . Improving the Timely Detection of Bladder and Kidney Cancer in Primary Care . Advances in Therapy vol. 36 , ( 7 ) 1778 - 1785 .
Scott SE, Penfold C, Saji S, Curtis S, Watts C, Hamilton W, Joannides AJ, Walter FM ( 2019 ) . ‘It was nothing that you would think was anything’: Qualitative analysis of appraisal and help seeking preceding brain cancer diagnosis . PLOS ONE vol. 14 , ( 3 )
Pannebakker MM, Mills K, Johnson M, Emery JD, Walter FM ( 2019 ) . Understanding implementation and usefulness of electronic clinical decision support (eCDS) for melanoma in English primary care: a qualitative investigation . BJGP Open vol. 3 , ( 1 )
Kummer S, Walter FM, Chilcot J, Emery J, Sutton S, Scott SE ( 2019 ) . Do cognitive heuristics underpin symptom appraisal for symptoms of cancer?: A secondary qualitative analysis across seven cancers . Psycho-Oncology vol. 28 , ( 5 ) 1041 - 1047 .
Walter FM, Penfold C, Joannides A, Saji S, Johnson M, Watts C, Brodbelt A, Jenkinson MD et al. ( 2019 ) . Missed opportunities for diagnosing brain tumours in primary care: a qualitative study of patient experiences . British Journal of General Practice vol. 69 , ( 681 )
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Barclay ME, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter FM, Jefferies S, Peake MD, Rintoul RC ( 2019 ) . Incidence of second and higher order smoking-related primary cancers following lung cancer: a population-based cohort study . Thorax vol. 74 , ( 5 ) 466 - 472 .
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Mendonca SC, Abel GA, Gildea C, McPhail S, Peake MD, Rubin G, Singh H, Hamilton W et al. ( 2018 ) . Associations between general practice characteristics with use of urgent referrals for suspected cancer and endoscopies: a cross-sectional ecological study . Family Practice vol. 36 , ( 5 ) 573 - 580 .
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Humphrys E, Burt J, Rubin G, Emery JD, Walter FM ( 2018 ) . The influence of health literacy on the timely diagnosis of symptomatic cancer: A systematic review . European Journal of Cancer Care vol. 28 , ( 1 )
Moodley J, Walter FM, Scott SE, Mwaka AM ( 2018 ) . Towards timely diagnosis of symptomatic breast and cervical cancer in South Africa . South African Medical Journal vol. 108 , ( 10 ) 803 - 804 .
Zhou Y, Abel G, Hamilton W, Pritchard-Jones K, Gross C, Walter F, Renzi C, Johnson S et al. ( 2018 ) . Defining, Measuring and Preventing the Diagnosis of Cancer as an Emergency: A Critical Review of Current Evidence . Journal of Global Oncology vol. 4 , ( Supplement 2 ) 48s - 48s .
Zhou Y, van Melle M, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter F ( 2018 ) . Factors Affecting Diagnostic Timeliness and Safety in Symptomatic Patients Subsequently Diagnosed With Bladder and Kidney Cancer: A Systematic Review . Journal of Global Oncology vol. 4 , ( Supplement 2 ) 40s - 40s .
Zhou Y, Mendonca S, Abel G, Hamilton W, Walter F, Johnson S, Shelton J, Elliss-Brookes L et al. ( 2018 ) . Variation in 'Fast-Track' Referrals for Suspected Cancer by Patient Characteristic and Cancer Diagnosis: Evidence From 670,000 Patients With Cancers of 35 Different Sites . Journal of Global Oncology vol. 4 , ( Supplement 2 ) 39s - 39s .
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Offman J, Muldrew B, O’Donovan M, Debiram-Beecham I, Pesola F, Kaimi I, Smith SG, Wilson A et al. ( 2018 ) . Barrett’s oESophagus trial 3 (BEST3): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing the Cytosponge-TFF3 test with usual care to facilitate the diagnosis of oesophageal pre-cancer in primary care patients with chronic acid reflux . BMC Cancer vol. 18 , ( 1 )
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Mazza D, Lin X, Walter FM, Young JM, Barnes DJ, Mitchell P, Brijnath B, Martin A et al. ( 2018 ) . The LEAD study protocol: a mixed-method cohort study evaluating the lung cancer diagnostic and pre-treatment pathways of patients from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds compared to patients from Anglo-Australian backgrounds . BMC Cancer vol. 18 , ( 1 )
Martin A, Saunders CL, Harte E, Griffin SJ, MacLure C, Mant J, Meads C, Walter FM et al. ( 2018 ) . Delivery and impact of the NHS Health Check in the first 8 years: a systematic review . British Journal of General Practice vol. 68 , ( 672 ) e449 - e459 .
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Wilson ECF, Usher-Smith JA, Emery J, Corrie P, Walter FM ( 2018 ) . A Modeling Study of the Cost-Effectiveness of a Risk-Stratified Surveillance Program for Melanoma in the United Kingdom . Value in Health vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 658 - 668 .
Emery JD, Gray V, Walter FM, Cheetham S, Croager EJ, Slevin T, Saunders C, Threlfall T et al. ( 2018 ) . Erratum: The Improving Rural Cancer Outcomes Trial: a cluster-randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce time to diagnosis in rural cancer patients in Western Australia . British Journal of Cancer vol. 118 , ( 6 ) e8 - e8 .
Rubin G, Walter F, Emery J, de Wit N ( 2018 ) . Reimagining the diagnostic pathway for gastrointestinal cancer . Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol. 15 , ( 3 ) 181 - 188 .
Stewart TS, Moodley J, Walter FM ( 2018 ) . Population risk factors for late-stage presentation of cervical cancer in sub-Saharan Africa . Cancer Epidemiology vol. 53 , 81 - 92 .
Brett J, Boulton M, Fenlon D, Hulbert-Williams NJ, Walter FM, Donnelly P, Lavery BA, Morgan A et al. ( 2018 ) . Adjuvant endocrine therapy after breast cancer: a qualitative study of factors associated with adherence . Patient Preference and Adherence vol. 12 , 291 - 300 .
Penfold C, Joannides AJ, Sage W, Brodbelt A, Jenkinson MD, Price S, Watts C, Bell J et al. ( 2018 ) . Understanding missed opportunities for more timely diagnosis of brain cancer – what can we learn from the BRACED qualitative interview study with adult glioma patients? . Neuro-oncology vol. 20 , ( Suppl 1 ) i2 - i2 .
Usher-Smith JA, Harshfield A, Saunders CL, Sharp SJ, Emery J, Walter FM, Muir K, Griffin SJ ( 2018 ) . External validation of risk prediction models for incident colorectal cancer using UK Biobank . British Journal of Cancer vol. 118 , ( 5 ) 750 - 759 .
Humphrys E, Burt J, Rubin G, Walter FM ( 2018 ) . "I Thought I Was Controlling a Temporary Problem'': Exploring Patient Experience Along the Pathway to Diagnosis for Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS . vol. 17 , 21 - 21 .
Matin RN, Chuchu N, Dinnes J, Deeks JJ, di Ruffano LF, Thomson DR, Wong KY, Aldridge RB et al. ( 2018 ) . Cochrane systematic review of diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopy in comparison to visual inspection for the diagnosis of melanoma . BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY . vol. 179 , 105 - 106 .
de Villiers CLB, Antoniou AC, Easton D, Tischowitz M, Walter FM ( 2018 ) . Development of cancer risk prediction models into tools for use in clinical settings . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS . vol. 26 , 789 - 789 .
Watson EK, Shinkins B, Matheson L, Burns RM, Frith E, Neal D, Hamdy F, Walter FM et al. ( 2017 ) . Supporting prostate cancer survivors in primary care: Findings from a pilot trial of a nurse-led psycho-educational intervention (PROSPECTIV) . European Journal of Oncology Nursing vol. 32 , 73 - 81 .
Lyratzopoulos G, Mendonca SC, Gildea C, McPhail S, Peake MD, Rubin G, Singh H, Hamilton W et al. ( 2017 ) . Associations between diagnostic activity and measures of patient experience in primary care: a cross-sectional ecological study of English general practices . British Journal of General Practice vol. 68 , ( 666 )
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Banks J, Wye L, Hall N, Rooney J, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Gjini A, Rubin G ( 2017 ) . The researchers’ role in knowledge translation: a realist evaluation of the development and implementation of diagnostic pathways for cancer in two United Kingdom localities . Health Research Policy and Systems vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Wilson ECF, Usher-Smith JA, Emery J, Corrie PG, Walter FM ( 2017 ) . Expert Elicitation of Multinomial Probabilities for Decision-Analytic Modeling: An Application to Rates of Disease Progression in Undiagnosed and Untreated Melanoma . Value in Health vol. 21 , ( 6 ) 669 - 676 .
Brandenbarg D, Groenhof F, Siewers IM, van der Voort A, Walter FM, Berendsen AJ ( 2017 ) . Possible missed opportunities for diagnosing colorectal cancer in Dutch primary care: a multimethods approach . British Journal of General Practice vol. 68 , ( 666 ) e54 - e62 .
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Zhou Y, Mendonca SC, Abel GA, Hamilton W, Walter FM, Johnson S, Shelton J, Elliss-Brookes L et al. ( 2017 ) . Variation in ‘fast-track’ referrals for suspected cancer by patient characteristic and cancer diagnosis: evidence from 670 000 patients with cancers of 35 different sites . British Journal of Cancer vol. 118 , ( 1 ) 24 - 31 .
Brett J, Hulbert-Williams NJ, Fenlon D, Boulton M, Walter FM, Donnelly P, Lavery B, Morgan A et al. ( 2017 ) . Psychometric properties of the Beliefs about Medicine Questionnaire–adjuvant endocrine therapy (BMQ-AET) for women taking AETs following early-stage breast cancer . Health Psychology Open vol. 4 , ( 2 )
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Murray SR, Kutzer Y, Habgood E, Murchie P, Walter F, Mazza D, Shahid S, Emery JD ( 2017 ) . Reducing barriers to consulting a GP in patients at increased risk of lung cancer: A qualitative evaluation of the CHEST Australia intervention . Respiratory Medicine . vol. 132 , 273 - 274 .
Carver T, Cunningham AP, de Villiers CB, Lee A, Hartley S, Tischkowitz M, Walter FM, Easton DF et al. ( 2017 ) . pedigreejs: a web-based graphical pedigree editor . Bioinformatics vol. 34 , ( 6 ) 1069 - 1071 .
Emery JD, Gray V, Walter FM, Cheetham S, Croager EJ, Slevin T, Saunders C, Threlfall T et al. ( 2017 ) . The Improving Rural Cancer Outcomes Trial: a cluster-randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce time to diagnosis in rural cancer patients in Western Australia . British Journal of Cancer vol. 117 , ( 10 ) 1459 - 1469 .
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Usher-Smith JA, Harte E, MacLure C, Martin A, Saunders CL, Meads C, Walter FM, Griffin SJ et al. ( 2017 ) . Patient experience of NHS health checks: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis . BMJ Open vol. 7 , ( 8 )
Murray SR, Kutzer Y, Habgood E, Murchie P, Walter FM, Mazza D, Shahid S, Emery JD ( 2017 ) . Reducing barriers to consulting a General Practitioner in patients at increased risk of lung cancer: a qualitative evaluation of the CHEST Australia intervention . Family Practice vol. 34 , ( 6 ) 740 - 746 .
Penfold C, Joannides AJ, Bell J, Walter FM ( 2017 ) . Diagnosing adult primary brain tumours: can we do better? . British Journal of General Practice vol. 67 , ( 659 ) 278 - 279 .
Kummer S, Walter FM, Chilcot J, Scott S ( 2017 ) . Measures of psychosocial factors that may influence help-seeking behaviour in cancer: A systematic review of psychometric properties . Journal of Health Psychology vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 79 - 99 .
Freeman M, OFFMAN JM, Walter FM, Sasieni P, Smith SG ( 2017 ) . Acceptability of the Cytosponge procedure for detecting Barrett's oesophagus: a qualitative study . BMJ Open vol. 7 ,
Faithfull S, Burton C, Clarke S, Kirby M, Lyon A, Levitt G, Poole K, Walter F ( 2017 ) . Mitigating risk of cardiovascular disease in people living with and beyond cancer . Cancer Nursing Practice vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 18 - 23 .
Walker JG, Bickerstaffe A, Hewabandu N, Maddumarachchi S, Dowty JG, CRECRC, Jenkins M, Pirotta M et al. ( 2017 ) . The CRISP colorectal cancer risk prediction tool: an exploratory study using simulated consultations in Australian primary care . BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making vol. 17 , ( 1 )
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Hall N, Birt L, Rees CJ, Walter FM, Elliot S, Ritchie M, Weller D, Rubin G ( 2016 ) . Concerns, perceived need and competing priorities: a qualitative exploration of decision-making and non-participation in a population-based flexible sigmoidoscopy screening programme to prevent colorectal cancer . BMJ Open vol. 6 , ( 11 )
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Walter FM, Mills K, Mendonça SC, Abel GA, Basu B, Carroll N, Ballard S, Lancaster J et al. ( 2016 ) . Symptoms and patient factors associated with diagnostic intervals for pancreatic cancer (SYMPTOM pancreatic study): a prospective cohort study . The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology vol. 1 , ( 4 ) 298 - 306 .
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Hollinghurst S, Banks J, Bigwood L, Walter FM, Hamilton W, Peters TJ ( 2016 ) . Using willingness-to-pay to establish patient preferences for cancer testing in primary care . BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making vol. 16 , ( 1 )
Walter FM, Emery JD, Mendonca S, Hall N, Morris HC, Mills K, Dobson C, Bankhead C et al. ( 2016 ) . Symptoms and patient factors associated with longer time to diagnosis for colorectal cancer: results from a prospective cohort study . British Journal of Cancer vol. 115 , ( 5 ) 533 - 541 .
Emery JD, Usher-Smith JA, Walter FM ( 2016 ) . Predicting the Risk of Melanoma . JAMA Dermatology vol. 152 , ( 8 ) 875 - 877 .
Hamilton W, Walter FM, Rubin G, Neal RD ( 2016 ) . Improving early diagnosis of symptomatic cancer . Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology vol. 13 , ( 12 ) 740 - 749 .
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Farquhar M, Penfold C, Walter FM, Kuhn I, Benson J ( 2016 ) . What Are the Key Elements of Educational Interventions for Lay Carers of Patients With Advanced Disease? A Systematic Literature Search and Narrative Review of Structural Components, Processes and Modes of Delivery . Journal of Pain and Symptom Management vol. 52 , ( 1 ) 117 - 130.e27 .
Thompson M, Walter F ( 2016 ) . Increases in general practice workload in England . The Lancet vol. 387 , ( 10035 ) 2270 - 2272 .
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Shephard EA, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton W ( 2016 ) . Symptoms of adult chronic and acute leukaemia before diagnosis: large primary care case-control studies using electronic records . British Journal of General Practice vol. 66 , ( 644 ) e182 - e188 .
Usher-Smith JA, Walter FM, Emery JD, Win AK, Griffin SJ ( 2016 ) . Risk Prediction Models for Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review . Cancer Prevention Research vol. 9 , ( 1 ) 13 - 26 .
Aziz NA, Pindus DM, Mullis R, Walter FM, Mant J, Lim L, Rundell V, Hobbs V ( 2016 ) . Understanding stroke survivors’ and informal carers’ experiences of and need for primary care and community health services—a systematic review of the qualitative literature: protocol . BMJ Open vol. 6 , ( 1 )
Brett J, Fenlon D, Boulton M, Hulbert-Williams N, Walter F, Donnelly P, Stoner N, Morgan A et al. ( 2016 ) . "Roll the dice and it's a toss-up between quality of life and life": a mixed methods study exploring adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy and interventions to improve adherence . PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY . vol. 25 , 124 - 124 .
Brett J, Watson E, Boulton M, Fenlon D, Williams NH, Donnelly P, Walter F, Lavary B et al. ( 2016 ) . Exploring adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy (AET) following treatment for breast cancer . PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY . vol. 25 , 6 - 6 .
Usher-Smith J, Emery J, Hamilton W, Griffin SJ, Walter FM ( 2015 ) . Risk prediction tools for cancer in primary care . British Journal of Cancer vol. 113 , ( 12 ) 1645 - 1650 .
Walter FM, Usher-Smith JA, Yadlapalli S, Watson E ( 2015 ) . Caring for people living with, and beyond, cancer: an online survey of GPs in England . British Journal of General Practice vol. 65 , ( 640 ) e761 - e768 .
Dinnes J, Matin RN, Moreau JF, Patel L, Chan SA, Chuchu N, Bayliss SE, Grainge M et al. ( 2015 ) . Tests to assist in the diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma in adults: a generic protocol . ( 10 )
Hall N, Birt L, Banks J, Emery J, Mills K, Johnson M, Rubin GP, Hamilton W et al. ( 2015 ) . Symptom appraisal and healthcare-seeking for symptoms suggestive of colorectal cancer: a qualitative study . BMJ Open vol. 5 , ( 10 )
Banks J, Hamilton W, Walter F ( 2015 ) . The Discovery Programme and its impact on cancer diagnostics . British Journal of Hospital Medicine vol. 76 , ( 10 ) 558 - 559 .
Rubin G, Berendsen A, Crawford SM, Dommett R, Earle C, Emery J, Fahey T, Grassi L et al. ( 2015 ) . The expanding role of primary care in cancer control . The Lancet Oncology vol. 16 , ( 12 ) 1231 - 1272 .
Murchie P, Allan JL, Brant W, Dennis M, Hall S, Masthoff J, Walter FM, Johnston M ( 2015 ) . Total skin self-examination at home for people treated for cutaneous melanoma: development and pilot of a digital intervention . BMJ Open vol. 5 , ( 8 )
Walter FM, Abel GA, Lyratzopoulos G, Melia J, Greenberg D, Brewster DH, Butler H, Corrie PG et al. ( 2015 ) . Seasonal variation in diagnosis of invasive cutaneous melanoma in Eastern England and Scotland . Cancer Epidemiology vol. 39 , ( 4 ) 554 - 561 .
Watson E, Shinkins B, Frith E, Neal D, Hamdy F, Walter F, Weller D, Wilkinson C et al. ( 2015 ) . Symptoms, unmet needs, psychological well‐being and health status in survivors of prostate cancer: implications for redesigning follow‐up . BJU International vol. 117 , ( 6B ) e10 - e19 .
Murray SR, Murchie P, Campbell N, Walter FM, Mazza D, Habgood E, Kutzer Y, Martin A et al. ( 2015 ) . Protocol for the CHEST Australia Trial: a phase II randomised controlled trial of an intervention to reduce time-to-consult with symptoms of lung cancer . BMJ Open vol. 5 , ( 5 )
Balasooriya-Smeekens C, Walter FM, Scott S ( 2015 ) . The role of emotions in time to presentation for symptoms suggestive of cancer: a systematic literature review of quantitative studies . Psycho-Oncology vol. 24 , ( 12 ) 1594 - 1604 .
Kassianos AP, Emery JD, Murchie P, Walter FM ( 2015 ) . Smartphone applications for melanoma detection by community, patient and generalist clinician users: a review . British Journal of Dermatology vol. 172 , ( 6 ) 1507 - 1518 .
Zhu H, Walter F, Thompson M, Usher-Smith J ( 2015 ) . G472 The pathway to diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children: analysis of free text responses from a questionnaire study . Archives of Disease in Childhood vol. 100 , ( Suppl 3 ) a198 - a199 .
Shephard EA, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton WT ( 2015 ) . Quantifying the risk of Hodgkin lymphoma in symptomatic primary care patients aged ≥40 years: a case–control study using electronic records . British Journal of General Practice vol. 65 , ( 634 ) e289 - e294 .
Shephard EA, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton WT ( 2015 ) . Quantifying the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in symptomatic primary care patients aged ≥40 years: a large case–control study using electronic records . British Journal of General Practice vol. 65 , ( 634 ) e281 - e288 .
Scott SE, Birt L, Cavers D, Shah N, Campbell C, Walter FM ( 2015 ) . Patient drawings of their melanoma: A novel approach to understanding symptom perception and appraisal prior to health care . Psychology and Health vol. 30 , ( 9 ) 1035 - 1048 .
Usher-Smith JA, Thompson MJ, Zhu H, Sharp SJ, Walter FM ( 2015 ) . The pathway to diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children: a questionnaire study . BMJ Open vol. 5 , ( 3 )
Chiang PP-C, Glance D, Walker J, Walter FM, Emery JD ( 2015 ) . Implementing a QCancer risk tool into general practice consultations: an exploratory study using simulated consultations with Australian general practitioners . British Journal of Cancer vol. 112 , ( Suppl 1 ) s77 - s83 .
Walter FM, Rubin G, Bankhead C, Morris HC, Hall N, Mills K, Dobson C, Rintoul RC et al. ( 2015 ) . Symptoms and other factors associated with time to diagnosis and stage of lung cancer: a prospective cohort study . British Journal of Cancer vol. 112 , ( Suppl 1 ) s6 - s13 .
Mwaka AD, Okello ES, Wabinga H, Walter FM ( 2015 ) . Symptomatic presentation with cervical cancer in Uganda: a qualitative study assessing the pathways to diagnosis in a low-income country . BMC Women's Health vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Shephard EA, Neal RD, Rose P, Walter FM, Litt EJ, Hamilton WT ( 2015 ) . Quantifying the risk of multiple myeloma from symptoms reported in primary care patients: a large case–control study using electronic records . British Journal of General Practice vol. 65 , ( 631 ) e106 - e113 .
Balasooriya-Smeekens C, Scott SE, Walter FM ( 2015 ) . A qualitative exploration of the role of emotions on appraisal and help-seeking for symptoms suggestive of colorectal cancer . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 31 - 31 .
Balasooriya-Smeekens C, Scott SE, Walter FM ( 2015 ) . A quantitative study of the impact of emotion on time to presentation with symptoms suggestive of colorectal cancer . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 52 - 52 .
Walter FM, Emery JD, Rubin G ( 2015 ) . Challenges of applying the Aarhus statement in studies on early cancer diagnosis . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 57 - 57 .
Coxon D, Campbell C, Walter F, Scott S, Neal R, Vedsted P, Emery J, Rubin G et al. ( 2015 ) . Development of the 'Aarhus Statement Tool for Researching Intervals in Diagnosis' (ASTRID): results from a pilot study with cancer patients and their GPs . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 16 - 16 .
Kummer S, Chilcot J, Walter F, Scott S ( 2015 ) . How Have Psychosocial Factors That Influence Help-seeking Behaviour Been Measured? A Review . PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY . vol. 24 , 354 - 354 .
Emery J, Glance D, Walker J, Walter FM, Chiang PP-C ( 2015 ) . Implementing a QCancer® risk tool into General practice consultations: an exploratory study using simulated consultations with Australian General Practitioners . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 50 - 51 .
Walter FM, Abel G, Lyratzopoulos G, Greenberg D, Brewster D, Campbell C ( 2015 ) . Seasonal variation in diagnosis of invasive cutaneous melanoma in Eastern England and Scotland . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 11 - 11 .
Walter FM, Emery J, Mendonca S, Hall N, Mills K, Dobson C, Morris H, Bankhead C et al. ( 2015 ) . Symptoms and co-morbidities associated with diagnostic intervals for colorectal cancer: a prospective cohort study . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 49 - 49 .
Emery JD, Gray V, Walter FM, Cheetham S, Croager EJ, Slevin T, Saunders C, Threlfall T et al. ( 2015 ) . The Improving Rural Cancer Outcomes (IRCO) Trial: a factorial cluster-randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce time to diagnosis in rural cancer patients in Western Australia . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 23 - 23 .
Birt L, Hall N, Emery J, Banks J, Mills K, Johnson M, Hamilton W, Walter FM ( 2014 ) . Responding to symptoms suggestive of lung cancer: a qualitative interview study . BMJ Open Respiratory Research vol. 1 , ( 1 )
Banks J, Walter FM, Hall N, Mills K, Hamilton W, Turner KM ( 2014 ) . Decision making and referral from primary care for possible lung and colorectal cancer: a qualitative study of patients’ experiences . British Journal of General Practice vol. 64 , ( 629 ) e775 - e782 .
Mills K, Emery J, Cheung C, Hall N, Birt L, Walter FM ( 2014 ) . A qualitative exploration of the use of calendar landmarking instruments in cancer symptom research . BMC Primary Care vol. 15 , ( 1 )
Collins JEC, Santarius T, Watts C, Walter FM, Price SJ, Joannides AJ ( 2014 ) . OP36CONCORDANCE OF PATIENT AND CLINICIAN REPORTED PRESENTING SYMPTOMS AT INITIAL NEURO-ONCOLOGY ASSESSMENT . Neuro-Oncology vol. 16 , ( suppl_6 ) vi22 - vi22 .
Reid GT, Walter FM, Emery JD ( 2014 ) . A Qualitative Evaluation of the Psychosocial Impact of Family History Screening in Australian Primary Care . Journal of Genetic Counseling vol. 24 , ( 2 ) 312 - 324 .
Walter FM, Mwaka AD, Neal RD ( 2014 ) . Achieving earlier diagnosis of symptomatic cervical cancer . British Journal of General Practice vol. 64 , ( 627 ) 495 - 496 .
Emery JD, Gray V, Walter FM, Cheetham S, Croager EJ, Slevin T, Saunders C, Threlfall T et al. ( 2014 ) . The Improving Rural Cancer Outcomes (IRCO) Trial: a factorial cluster-randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce time to diagnosis in rural patients with cancer in Western Australia: a study protocol . BMJ Open vol. 4 , ( 9 )
Usher-Smith JA, Emery J, Kassianos AP, Walter FM ( 2014 ) . Risk Prediction Models for Melanoma: A Systematic Review . Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention vol. 23 , ( 8 ) 1450 - 1463 .
Rubin G, Walter F, Emery J, Neal R, Hamilton W, Wardle J ( 2014 ) . Research into practice: prompt diagnosis of cancer in primary care . British Journal of General Practice vol. 64 , ( 625 ) 428 - 430 .
Walter FM, Birt L, Cavers D, Scott S, Emery J, Burrows N, Cavanagh G, MacKie R et al. ( 2014 ) . ‘This isn't what mine looked like’: a qualitative study of symptom appraisal and help seeking in people recently diagnosed with melanoma . BMJ Open vol. 4 , ( 7 )
Walter FM, Emery J, Burton H ( 2014 ) . Chronic disease prevention in primary care: how and when will genomics impact? . British Journal of General Practice vol. 64 , ( 624 ) 331 - 332 .
Evans RE, Morris M, Sekhon M, Buszewicz M, Walter FM, Waller J, Simon AE ( 2014 ) . Increasing awareness of gynaecological cancer symptoms: a GP perspective . British Journal of General Practice vol. 64 , ( 623 ) e372 - e380 .
Watson E, Rose P, Frith E, Hamdy F, Neal D, Kastner C, Russell S, Walter FM et al. ( 2014 ) . PROSPECTIV—a pilot trial of a nurse-led psychoeducational intervention delivered in primary care to prostate cancer survivors: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial . BMJ Open vol. 4 , ( 5 )
Emery JD, Reid G, Prevost AT, Ravine D, Walter FM ( 2014 ) . Development and Validation of a Family History Screening Questionnaire in Australian Primary Care . The Annals of Family Medicine vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 241 - 249 .
Rashid MA, Edwards D, Walter FM, Mant J ( 2014 ) . Medication Taking in Coronary Artery Disease: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Synthesis . The Annals of Family Medicine vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 224 - 232 .
Birt L, Emery JD, Prevost AT, Sutton S, Walter FM ( 2014 ) . Psychological impact of family history risk assessment in primary care: a mixed methods study . Family Practice vol. 31 , ( 4 ) 409 - 418 .
Keeble S, Abel GA, Saunders CL, McPhail S, Walter FM, Neal RD, Rubin GP, Lyratzopoulos G ( 2014 ) . Variation in promptness of presentation among 10,297 patients subsequently diagnosed with one of 18 cancers: Evidence from a National Audit of Cancer Diagnosis in Primary Care . International Journal of Cancer vol. 135 , ( 5 ) 1220 - 1228 .
Banks J, Hollinghurst S, Bigwood L, Peters TJ, Walter FM, Hamilton W ( 2014 ) . Preferences for cancer investigation: a vignette-based study of primary-care attendees . The Lancet Oncology vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 232 - 240 .
Lyratzopoulos G, Greenberg DC, Rubin GP, Abel GA, Walter FM, Neal RD ( 2014 ) . Advanced stage diagnosis of cancer: who is at greater risk? . Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy vol. 12 , ( 8 ) 993 - 996 .
Walter FM, Birt L, Cavers D, Scott S, Emery J, Burrows N, Cavanagh G, MacKie R et al. ( 2014 ) . 'This isn't what mine looked like': A qualitative study of symptom appraisal and help seeking in people recently diagnosed with melanoma . BMJ Open . vol. 4 ,
Coxon D, Campbell C, Walter F, Scott S, Neal R, Vedsted P, Emery J, Rubin G et al. ( 2014 ) . Development of the 'Aarhus Statement Tool for Researching Intervals in Diagnosis' (ASTRID): focus groups and interviews with patients, researchers and healthcare professionals . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 23 , 22 - 22 .
Walter FM, Emery J, Morris H, Hall N, Mills K, Dobson C, Mendonca S, Bankhead C et al. ( 2014 ) . Factors associated time to diagnosis and stage at diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a prospective cohort study . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 23 , 6 - 6 .
Walter FM, Rubin G, Morris HC, Bankhead C, Hall N, Mills K, Dobson C, Perera R et al. ( 2014 ) . Factors associated with time to diagnosis and stage at diagnosis of lung cancer: a prospective cohort study . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 23 , 3 - 3 .
Hall N, Birt L, Mills K, Banks J, Emery J, Johnson M, Walter FM ( 2014 ) . Health-care seeking among people with symptoms suggestive of colorectal cancer: a qualitative interview study . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 23 , 2 - 2 .
Emery JD, Gray V, Walter FM, Cheetham S, Croager EJ, Slevin T, Saunders C, Threlfall T et al. ( 2014 ) . The Improving Rural Cancer Outcomes (IRCO) Trial: A factorial clusterrandomised controlled trial of a complex intervention to reduce time to diagnosis in rural patients with cancer in Western Australia: A study protocol . BMJ Open . vol. 4 ,
Birt L, Hall N, Mills K, Banks J, Emery J, Johnson M, Walter FM ( 2014 ) . Understanding the appraisal and help-seeking decisions of patients with symptoms suspicious of lung cancer: a qualitative approach . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 23 , 6 - 6 .
Usher-Smith JA, Thompson MJ, Walter FM ( 2013 ) . ‘Looking for the needle in the haystack’: a qualitative study of the pathway to diagnosis of type 1 diabetes in children . BMJ Open vol. 3 , ( 12 )
Walker D, Hamilton W, Walter FM, Watts C ( 2013 ) . Strategies to accelerate diagnosis of primary brain tumors at the primarysecondary care interface in children and adults . CNS Oncology vol. 2 , ( 5 ) 447 - 462 .
Walter FM, Prevost AT, Birt L, Grehan N, Restarick K, Morris HC, Sutton S, Rose P et al. ( 2013 ) . Development and evaluation of a brief self-completed family history screening tool for common chronic disease prevention in primary care . British Journal of General Practice vol. 63 , ( 611 ) e393 - e400 .
Emery JD, Walter FM, Gray V, Sinclair C, Howting D, Bulsara M, Bulsara C, Webster A et al. ( 2013 ) . Diagnosing cancer in the bush: a mixed methods study of GP and specialist diagnostic intervals in rural Western Australia . Family Practice vol. 30 , ( 5 ) 541 - 550 .
Walter FM, Prevost AT, Vasconcelos J, Hall PN, Burrows NP, Morris HC, Kinmonth AL, Emery JD ( 2013 ) . Using the 7-point checklist as a diagnostic aid for pigmented skin lesions in general practice: a diagnostic validation study . British Journal of General Practice vol. 63 , ( 610 ) e345 - e353 .
Shephard E, Neal R, Rose P, Walter F, Hamilton WT ( 2013 ) . Clinical features of kidney cancer in primary care: a case-control study using primary care records . British Journal of General Practice vol. 63 , ( 609 ) e250 - e255 .
Wilson ECF, Emery JD, Kinmonth AL, Prevost AT, Morris HC, Humphrys E, Hall PN, Burrows N et al. ( 2013 ) . The Cost-Effectiveness of a Novel SIAscopic Diagnostic Aid for the Management of Pigmented Skin Lesions in Primary Care: A Decision-Analytic Model . Value in Health vol. 16 , ( 2 ) 356 - 366 .
Emery JD, Walter FM, Gray V, Sinclair C, Howting D, Bulsara M, Bulsara C, Webster A et al. ( 2013 ) . Diagnosing cancer in the bush: a mixed-methods study of symptom appraisal and help-seeking behaviour in people with cancer from rural Western Australia . Family Practice vol. 30 , ( 3 ) 294 - 301 .
Smeekens C, Scott S, Walter F ( 2013 ) . The impact of emotions in help-seeking for symptoms indicative of cancer: A systematic literature review . PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY . vol. 22 , 12 - 12 .
Stapley S, Peters TJ, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton W ( 2012 ) . The risk of oesophago-gastric cancer in symptomatic patients in primary care: a large case–control study using electronic records . British Journal of Cancer vol. 108 , ( 1 ) 25 - 31 .
Shephard EA, Stapley S, Neal RD, Rose P, Walter FM, Hamilton WT ( 2012 ) . Clinical features of bladder cancer in primary care . British Journal of General Practice vol. 62 , ( 602 ) e598 - e604 .
Usher-Smith JA, Thompson M, Ercole A, Walter FM ( 2012 ) . Variation between countries in the frequency of diabetic ketoacidosis at first presentation of type 1 diabetes in children: a systematic review . Diabetologia vol. 55 , ( 11 ) 2878 - 2894 .
Rubin G, Lyratzopoulos G, Abel G, Neal R, Walter F, Hamilton W ( 2012 ) . Cancer detection in primary care . The Lancet Oncology vol. 13 , ( 8 ) e325 - e326 .
Walter FM, Morris HC, Humphrys E, Hall PN, Prevost AT, Burrows N, Bradshaw L, Wilson ECF et al. ( 2012 ) . Effect of adding a diagnostic aid to best practice to manage suspicious pigmented lesions in primary care: randomised controlled trial . The BMJ vol. 345 , ( jul04 1 )
Stapley S, Peters TJ, Neal RD, Rose PW, Walter FM, Hamilton W ( 2012 ) . The risk of pancreatic cancer in symptomatic patients in primary care: a large case–control study using electronic records . British Journal of Cancer vol. 106 , ( 12 ) 1940 - 1944 .
Scott SE, Walter FM, Webster A, Sutton S, Emery J ( 2012 ) . The Model of Pathways to Treatment: Conceptualization and integration with existing theory . British Journal of Health Psychology vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 45 - 65 .
Walter F, Webster A, Scott S, Emery J ( 2012 ) . The Andersen Model of Total Patient Delay: A Systematic Review of Its Application in Cancer Diagnosis . Journal of Health Services Research & Policy vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 110 - 118 .
Weller D, Vedsted P, Rubin G, Walter FM, Emery J, Scott S, Campbell C, Andersen RS et al. ( 2012 ) . The Aarhus statement: improving design and reporting of studies on early cancer diagnosis . British Journal of Cancer vol. 106 , ( 7 ) 1262 - 1267 .
Walter FM, Emery JD ( 2012 ) . Genetic advances in medicine: has the promise been fulfilled in general practice? . British Journal of General Practice vol. 62 , ( 596 ) 120 - 121 .
Usher-Smith JA, Thompson MJ, Sharp SJ, Walter FM ( 2011 ) . Factors associated with the presence of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of diabetes in children and young adults: a systematic review . The BMJ vol. 343 , ( jul07 1 )
Crockett RA, Sutton S, Walter FM, Clinch M, Marteau TM, Benson J ( 2011 ) . Impact on Decisions to Start or Continue Medicines of Providing Information to Patients about Possible Benefits and/or Harms . Medical Decision Making vol. 31 , ( 5 ) 767 - 777 .
Emery JD, Hunter J, Hall PN, Watson AJ, Moncrieff M, Walter FM ( 2010 ) . Accuracy of SIAscopy for pigmented skin lesions encountered in primary care: development and validation of a new diagnostic algorithm . BMC Dermatology vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Kadri SR, Lao-Sirieix P, O’Donovan M, Debiram I, Das M, Blazeby JM, Emery J, Boussioutas A et al. ( 2010 ) . Acceptability and accuracy of a non-endoscopic screening test for Barrett’s oesophagus in primary care: cohort study . The BMJ vol. 341 , ( sep10 1 )
Walter FM, Humphrys E, Tso S, Johnson M, Cohn S ( 2010 ) . Patient understanding of moles and skin cancer, and factors influencing presentation in primary care: a qualitative study . BMC Primary Care vol. 11 , ( 1 )
Scott S, Walter F ( 2010 ) . Studying Help‐Seeking for Symptoms: The Challenges of Methods and Models . Social and Personality Psychology Compass vol. 4 , ( 8 ) 531 - 547 .
Kadri SR, Lao–Sirieix P, O'Donovan M, Debiram–Beecham I, Das M, Emery J, Boussioutas A, Morris H et al. ( 2010 ) . A Prospective, Multicenter Study to Evaluate a Novel, Nonendoscopic Screening Device for Barrett's Esophagus in the Community Setting . Gastroenterology . vol. 139 ,
Emery JD, Walter FM, Ravine D ( 2010 ) . Family history: the neglected risk factor in disease prevention . The Medical Journal of Australia vol. 192 , ( 12 ) 677 - 678 .
Claassen L, Henneman L, Janssens ACJ, Wijdenes-Pijl M, Qureshi N, Walter FM, Yoon PW, Timmermans DR ( 2010 ) . Using family history information to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent diseases; a discussion of the evidence . BMC Public Health vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Walter FM, Morris HC, Humphrys E, Hall PN, Kinmonth AL, Prevost AT, Wilson EC, Burrows N et al. ( 2010 ) . Protocol for the MoleMate™ UK Trial: a randomised controlled trial of the MoleMate system in the management of pigmented skin lesions in primary care [ISRCTN 79932379] . BMC Primary Care vol. 11 , ( 1 )
Walter F, Boakes RA ( 2009 ) . Long-term range effects in hedonic ratings . Food Quality and Preference vol. 20 , ( 6 ) 440 - 449 .
Kadri SR, Debiram I, Lao-Sirieix P, O'Donovan M, Blazeby JM, Males A, Morris H, Walter F et al. ( 2009 ) . T1877 A Pilot Feasibility Study of Screening for Barrett's Esophagus with a Novel Non-Endoscopic Capsule Sponge Device in a Primary Care Setting Device in a Primary Care Setting . Gastroenterology vol. 136 , ( 5 ) a - 591 .
Watson T, Walter FM, Wood A, Morris H, Hall P, Karner S, Emery J ( 2009 ) . Learning a novel technique to identify possible melanomas: are Australian general practitioners better than their U.K. colleagues? . Asia Pacific Family Medicine vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Kadri SR, Debiram I, Lao-Sirieix P, O'Donovan M, Blazeby JM, Males A, Morris H, Walter F et al. ( 2009 ) . A Pilot Feasibility Study of Screening for Barrett's Esophagus with a Novel Non-Endoscopic Capsule Sponge Device in a Primary Care Setting Device in a Primary Care Setting . GASTROENTEROLOGY . vol. 136 , A591 - A591 .
Malpass A, Shaw A, Sharp D, Walter F, Feder G, Ridd M, Kessler D ( 2008 ) . “Medication career” or “Moral career”? The two sides of managing antidepressants: A meta-ethnography of patients' experience of antidepressants . Social Science & Medicine vol. 68 , ( 1 ) 154 - 168 .
Reid GT, Walter FM, Brisbane JM, Emery JD ( 2008 ) . Family History Questionnaires Designed for Clinical Use: A Systematic Review . Public Health Genomics vol. 12 , ( 2 ) 73 - 83 .
Wood A, Morris H, Emery J, Hall PN, Cotton S, Prevost AT, Walter FM ( 2008 ) . Evaluation of the MoleMate training program for assessment of suspicious pigmented lesions in primary care . BMJ Health & Care Informatics vol. 16 , ( 1 ) 41 - 50 .
Hall PN, Hunter JE, Walter FM, Norris P ( 2007 ) . Use of a spectrophotometric intracutaneous analysis device in the real‐time diagnosis of melanoma . British Journal of Dermatology vol. 158 , ( 2 ) 420 - 422 .
Hunter J, Moncrieff M, Hall P, Emery J, Walter F, Cotton S ( 2006 ) . SIAscopy: an effective new approach for triaging pigmented skin lesions in primary care . Melanoma Research vol. 16 , ( Supplement 1 ) s87 - s88 .
Walter FM, Emery J ( 2006 ) . Perceptions of family history across common diseases: a qualitative study in primary care . Family Practice vol. 23 , ( 4 ) 472 - 480 .
Braithwaite D, Emery J, Walter F, Prevost AT, Sutton S ( 2006 ) . Psychological Impact of Genetic Counseling for Familial Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis . Familial Cancer vol. 5 , ( 1 ) 61 - 75 .
Hunter J, Moncrieff M, Hall P, Walter F, Emery J, Cotton S, Burrows N ( 2006 ) . Diagnostic characteristics of SIAscopy versus dermoscopy for pigmented skin lesions presenting in primary care . BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY . vol. 155 , 47 - 48 .
Walter FM, Emery J ( 2005 ) . ‘Coming Down the Line’— Patients’ Understanding of Their Family History of Common Chronic Disease . The Annals of Family Medicine vol. 3 , ( 5 ) 405 - 414 .
Walter FM, Emery J, Braithwaite D, Marteau TM ( 2004 ) . Lay Understanding of Familial Risk of Common Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Synthesis of Qualitative Research . The Annals of Family Medicine vol. 2 , ( 6 ) 583 - 594 .
Walter FM, Emery JD, Rogers M, Britten N ( 2004 ) . Women’s views of optimal risk communication and decision making in general practice consultations about the menopause and hormone replacement therapy . Patient Education and Counseling vol. 53 , ( 2 ) 121 - 128 .
Bateman H, Walter F, Elliott J ( 2004 ) . What happens next? . Family Practice vol. 21 , ( 1 ) 83 - 86 .
Braithwaite D, Emery J, Walter F, Prevost AT, Sutton S ( 2004 ) . Psychological Impact of Genetic Counseling for Familial Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . Journal of the National Cancer Institute vol. 96 , ( 2 ) 122 - 133 .
Braithwaite D, Sutton S, Mackay J, Stein J, Hopkinson I, Emery J ( 2003 ) . Computer support for genetic risk assessment and advice about breast cancer susceptibility: a feasibility study of patient self-assessment in a family history clinic . CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION . vol. 12 , 1329S - 1329S .
Walter FM, Emery JD, Braithwaite D, Marteau TM ( 2003 ) . Lay understanding of familial risk of common chronic diseases: a systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research . AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS . vol. 73 , 364 - 364 .
Braithwaite D, Emery J, Walter F, Prevost T, Sutton S ( 2003 ) . Psychological impact of genetic counselling for familial cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis . CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION . vol. 12 , 1329S - 1329S .
Walter FM, Britten N ( 2002 ) . Patients’ understanding of risk: a qualitative study of decision-making about the menopause and hormone replacement therapy in general practice . Family Practice vol. 19 , ( 6 ) 579 - 586 .
Grande GE, Hyland F, Walter FM, Kinmonth AL ( 2002 ) . Women’s views of consultations about familial risk of breast cancer in primary care . Patient Education and Counseling vol. 48 , ( 3 ) 275 - 282 .
Walter FM, Kinmonth AL, Hyland F, Murrell P, Marteau TM, Todd C ( 2001 ) . Experiences and expectations of the new genetics in relation to familial risk of breast cancer: a comparison of the views of GPs and practice nurses . Family Practice vol. 18 , ( 5 ) 491 - 494 .
Ogden J, Bandara I, Cohen H, Farmer D, Hardie J, Minas H, Moore J, Qureshi S et al. ( 2001 ) . General practitioners’ and patients’ models of obesity: whose problem is it? . Patient Education and Counseling vol. 44 , ( 3 ) 227 - 233 .
Hyland F, Kinmonth AL, Marteau TM, Griffin S, Murrell P, Spiegelhalter D, Todd C, Walter F et al. ( 2001 ) . Raising concerns about family history of breast cancer in primary care consultations: prospective, population based study . The BMJ vol. 322 , ( 7277 )

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