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Publications: Dr Emma Sadler

Sadler E, Crick CR ( 2024 ) . The fabrication of robust and highly efficient oil–water separation filters via the high temperature sintering of silica micropower . RSC Advances vol. 14 , ( 19 ) 13489 - 13493 .
Sadler E, Stephen AS, Allaker RP, Crick CR ( 2023 ) . Engineering Biofouling Resistant Materials Through the Systematic Adaptation of Surface Morphology . Advanced Materials Interfaces vol. 10 , ( 12 )
Upton RL, Dop RA, Sadler E, Lunt AM, Neill DR, Hasell T, Crick CR ( 2022 ) . Investigating the viability of sulfur polymers for the fabrication of photoactive, antimicrobial, water repellent coatings . Journal of Materials Chemistry B vol. 10 , ( 22 ) 4153 - 4162 .
Mehanna YA, Sadler E, Upton RL, Kempchinsky AG, Lu Y, Crick CR ( 2021 ) . The challenges, achievements and applications of submersible superhydrophobic materials . Chemical Society Reviews vol. 50 , ( 11 ) 6569 - 6612 .