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Publications: Dr Layli Uddin

Uddin L ( 2023 ) . Red Maulanas: Revisiting Islam and the Left in twentieth‐century South Asia . History Compass vol. 21 , ( 11 )
Uddin L ( 2023 ) . Casteist demons and working-class prophets: subaltern Islam in Bengal, circa 1872–1928 . Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society vol. 33 , ( 4 ) 1051 - 1075 .
Sobers-Khan N, Uddin L, Basu P ( 2023 ) . Beyond Colonial Rupture: Print Culture and the Emergence of Muslim Modernity in Nineteenth-Century South Asia . International Journal of Islam in Asia vol. 3 , ( 1-2 ) 1 - 20 .
Dirik D, Younis M, Chehonadskih M, Uddin L, Davidson M ( 2023 ) . The Meanings of Internationalism: A Collective Discussion on Pan-African, Early Soviet, Islamic Socialist and Kurdish Internationalisms Across the 20th Century . Millennium: Journal of International Studies
UDDIN L ( 2020 ) . ‘Enemy Agents at Work’: A microhistory of the 1954 Adamjee and Karnaphuli riots in East Pakistan . Modern Asian Studies vol. 55 , ( 2 ) 629 - 664 .

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