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Publications: Dr Michel Haddad

Neto AC, Levada ALM, Haddad MFC ( 2024 ) . A New Kernel Density Estimation-Based Entropic Isometric Feature Mapping for Unsupervised Metric Learning . Annals of Data Science1 - 17 .
Qin J, Lynch C, Barbrook-Johnson P, Salas P, Yang G, Haddad MFC, Nijsse F, Pasqualino R et al. ( 2023 ) . How are climate policies assessed in emerging economies? A study of ex-ante policy appraisal in Brazil, China, and India . Climate Policy vol. 24 , ( 9 ) 1242 - 1258 .
Haddad MFC, Blazsek S, Arestis P, Fuerst F, Sheng HH ( 2023 ) . The two-component Beta-t-QVAR-M-lev: a new forecasting model . Financial Markets and Portfolio Management vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 379 - 401 .
Makkonen A, Vallström D, Uddin GS, Rahman L, Haddad MFC ( 2021 ) . The effect of temperature anomaly and macroeconomic fundamentals on agricultural commodity futures returns . Energy Economics vol. 100 ,