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Publications: Mr Alexandros Ziampras

Ziampras A, Nelson RP, Paardekooper S-J ( 2024 ) . Buoyancy torques prevent low-mass planets from stalling in low-turbulence radiative discs . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 532 , ( 1 ) 351 - 362 .
Ziampras A, Nelson RP, Paardekooper S-J ( 2024 ) . Migration of low-mass planets in inviscid discs: the effect of radiation transport on the dynamical corotation torque . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 528 , ( 4 ) 6130 - 6140 .
Joseph J, Ziampras A, Jordan L, Turpin GA, Nelson RP ( 2023 ) . Measuring the numerical viscosity in simulations of protoplanetary disks in Cartesian grids . Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 678 , a134 - a134 .
Ziampras A, Paardekooper S-J, Nelson RP ( 2023 ) . Buoyancy response of a disc to an embedded planet: a cross-code comparison at high resolution . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 525 , ( 4 ) 5893 - 5904 .
Ziampras A, Nelson RP, Rafikov RR ( 2023 ) . Modeling planet-induced gaps and rings in ALMA disks: The role of in-plane radiative diffusion . Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Ziampras A, Kley W, Nelson RP ( 2023 ) . Hydrodynamic turbulence in disks with embedded planets . Astronomy and Astrophysics vol. 670 ,
Dullemond CP, Ziampras A, Ostertag D, Dominik C ( 2022 ) . Razor-thin dust layers in protoplanetary disks: Limits on the vertical shear instability . Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 668 ,
Sudarshan P, Penzlin ABT, Ziampras A, Kley W, Nelson RP ( 2022 ) . How cooling influences circumbinary discs . Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 664 , a157 - a157 .
Rometsch T, Ziampras A, Kley W, Béthune W ( 2021 ) . Survival of planet-induced vortices in 2D disks . Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 656 ,
Lega E, Nelson RP, Morbidelli A, Kley W, Béthune W, Crida A, Kloster D, Méheut H et al. ( 2021 ) . Migration of Jupiter-mass planets in low-viscosity discs . Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 646 ,
Ziampras A, Kley W, Dullemond CP ( 2020 ) . Importance of radiative effects in gap opening by planets in protoplanetary disks . Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 637 ,
Ziampras A, Ataiee S, Kley W, Dullemond CP, Baruteau C ( 2020 ) . The impact of planet wakes on the location and shape of the water ice line in a protoplanetary disk . Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 633 ,