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Publications: Mrs Adele Hill

Wodecka L, Koulouglioti C, Gonçalves A-C, Hill A, Hodgson L ( 2024 ) . Exploring the recovery journey of COVID-19 critical care survivors during the first year after hospital discharge . Journal of the Intensive Care Society
Hill A, Joyner CH, Keith-Jopp C, Yet B, Sakar CT, Marsh W, Morrissey D ( 2023 ) . Assessing Serious Spinal Pathology Using Bayesian Network Decision Support: Development and Validation Study . JMIR Formative Research vol. 7 ,
Hill A, Joyner C, Yet B, Keith-Jopp C, Sakar CT, Marsh W, Morrissey D ( 2022 ) . 29 Managing serious pathology in low back pain: development and validation of a bayesian network decision support tool . Conference: Abstractsa2.2 - a2a2 .
Hill A, Keith-Jopp C, Joyner C, Marsh W, Morrissey D ( 2021 ) . Developing BENDi: A BayEsian Network DecIsion support tool for managing low back pain . Physiotherapy vol. 113 , e83 - e83 .
Hill A, Malek S, Keith-Jopp C, Morrissey D ( 2021 ) . Prognostic factors in the assessment of low back pain: A systematic review and evidence gap map . Physiotherapy vol. 113 ,
Hill A, Joyner CH, Keith-Jopp C, Yet B, Sakar CT, Marsh W, Morrissey D ( 2021 ) . A Bayesian Network Decision Support Tool for Low Back Pain Using a RAND Appropriateness Procedure: Proposal and Internal Pilot Study . JMIR Research Protocols vol. 10 , ( 1 )