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Publications: Prof Suzanne Scott

Moodley J, Day S, Ras T, Ataguba JE, Harries J, Jacobs R, Chirenje ZM, Ghuza B et al. ( 2024 ) . Mapping local evidence on early recognition and management of people with potential cancer symptoms: a narrative review . South African Health Review vol. 26 ,
Kelley-Jones C, Scott SE, Waller J ( 2024 ) . Acceptability of de-intensified screening for women at low risk of breast cancer: a randomised online experimental survey . BMC Cancer vol. 24 , ( 1 )
Evans REC, Watson H, Waller J, Nicholson BD, Round T, Gildea C, Smith D, Scott SE ( 2024 ) . Advice after urgent suspected cancer referral when cancer is not found in England: Survey of patients’ preferences and perceived acceptability . Preventive Medicine Reports vol. 43 ,
Jones CK, Scott S, Pashayan N, Morris S, Okan Y, Waller J ( 2024 ) . Risk-Adapted Breast Screening for Women at Low Predicted Risk of Breast Cancer: An Online Discrete Choice Experiment . Medical Decision Making vol. 44 , ( 5 ) 586 - 600 .
Jones OT, Calanzani N, Scott SE, Matin RN, Emery J, Walter FM ( 2024 ) . User and developer views on using Artificial Intelligence technologies to facilitate the early diagnosis of skin cancers in primary care settings: A qualitative study (Preprint) . JMIR Cancer
Scott SE, Thompson MJ ( 2024 ) . “Notification! You May Have Cancer.” Could Smartphones and Wearables Help Detect Cancer Early? . JMIR Cancer vol. 10 ,
di Martino E, Honey S, Bradley SH, Ali OM, Neal RD, Scott SE ( 2023 ) . Understanding General Practitioners’ referral decisions for younger patients with symptoms of cancer: a qualitative interview study . British Journal of General Practice vol. 74 , ( 743 )
Scott SE, Gildea C, Nicholson BD, Evans RE, Waller J, Smith D, Purushotham A, Round T ( 2023 ) . Future cancer risk after urgent suspected cancer referral in England when cancer is not found: a national cohort study . The Lancet Oncology vol. 24 , ( 11 ) 1242 - 1251 .
O'Toole S, Moazzez R, Wojewodka G, Zeki S, Jafari J, Hope K, Brand A, Hoare Z et al. ( 2023 ) . Single-centre, single-blinded, randomised, parallel group, feasibility study protocol investigating if mandibular advancement device treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea can reduce nocturnal gastro-oesophageal reflux (MAD-Reflux trial) . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 8 )
Jones D, Ali OM, Honey S, Surr C, Scott S, De Wit N, Neal RD ( 2023 ) . Patient’s views on the decision to investigate cancer symptoms in older adults: a qualitative interview study . British Journal of General Practice vol. 73 , ( 733 )
Evans REC, Waller J, Nicholson BD, Round T, Gildea C, Smith D, Scott SE ( 2023 ) . Should we? Could we? Feasibility of interventions to support prevention or early diagnosis of future cancer following urgent referral: A qualitative study . Patient Education and Counseling vol. 112 ,
Miller BJ, Price S, Scott SE, Oakley R ( 2023 ) . Real time improvement in head and neck cancer outcomes: The community psychiatric nurse . Clinical Otolaryngology vol. 48 , ( 3 ) 495 - 496 .
Scott SE, Bruj G, Beheshti S, Evans R, Awojobi O ( 2022 ) . Talking about cancer: Patient responses to raising awareness of oral cancer in primary dental care . Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology vol. 51 , ( 5 ) 887 - 895 .
Kelley Jones C, Waller J, Scott S ( 2021 ) . UK Women’s views of the Concepts of Personalised Breast Cancer Risk Assessment and Risk-Stratified Breast Screening: A qualitative interview study . Cancers vol. 13 , Article 22 ,
Scott SE, Rauf B, Waller J ( 2021 ) . “Whilst you are here…” Acceptability of providing advice about screening and early detection of other cancers as part of the breast cancer screening programme . Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy vol. 24 , Article 5 , 1868 - 1878 .
Moodley J, Harries J, Scott SE, Mwaka AD, Saji S, Walter FM ( 2021 ) . Exploring primary care level provider interpretation and management of potential breast and cervical cancer signs and symptoms in South Africa . Ecancermedicalscience vol. 15 ,
Archer S, Calanzani N, Honey S, Johnson M, Neal R, Scott SE, Walter FM ( 2021 ) . Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer assessment in primary care: a qualitative study of GP views . BJGP Open vol. 5 , ( 4 )
Mwaka AD, Walter FM, Scott S, Harries J, Wabinga H, Moodley J ( 2021 ) . Symptom appraisal, help-seeking and perceived barriers to healthcare seeking in Uganda: an exploratory study among women with potential symptoms of breast and cervical cancer . BMJ Open vol. 11 , ( 2 )
Moodley J, Constant D, Mwaka AD, Scott SE, Walter FM ( 2021 ) . Anticipated help seeking behaviour and barriers to seeking care for possible breast and cervical cancer symptoms in Uganda and South Africa . Ecancermedicalscience vol. 15 ,
Abed H, Burke M, Fenlon M, Scambler S, Scott S ( 2021 ) . Dentists’ perspectives on denture provision after radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: an exploratory study using the theoretical domains framework . British Dental Journal
Adoch W, Garimoi CO, Scott SE, Okeny GG, Moodley J, Komakech H, Walter FM, Mwaka AD ( 2020 ) . Knowledge of cervical cancer risk factors and symptoms among women in a refugee settlement: a cross-sectional study in northern Uganda . Conflict and Health vol. 14 , ( 1 )
Harries J, Scott SE, Walter FM, Mwaka AD, Moodley J ( 2020 ) . Women’s appraisal, interpretation and help-seeking for possible symptoms of breast and cervical cancer in South Africa: a qualitative study . BMC Women's Health vol. 20 , ( 1 )
Moodley J, Constant D, Mwaka AD, Scott SE, Walter FM ( 2020 ) . Mapping awareness of breast and cervical cancer risk factors, symptoms and lay beliefs in Uganda and South Africa . PLOS ONE vol. 15 , ( 10 )
Scott SE, Oakley R, Møller H, Warburton F ( 2020 ) . Tracking cancer occurrence in the 5 years after referral for suspected head and neck cancer . ORAL ONCOLOGY vol. 109 ,
Abed H, Burke M, Fenlon M, Scambler S, Scott S ( 2020 ) . Use of dentures, receipt of information, quality of life and oral function following radiotherapy for head and neck cancer . SPECIAL CARE IN DENTISTRY vol. 40 , Article 5 , 475 - 487 .
Abed H, Burke M, Fenlon M, Scambler S, Scott S ( 2020 ) . Denture use and dental risk factors associated developing osteoradionecrosis after head and neck radiotherapy: A retrospective analysis of hospital records . Journal of Dentistry vol. 99 ,
Jones D, Neal R, Duffy S, Scott S, Whitaker K, Brain K ( 2020 ) . Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the symptomatic diagnosis of cancer: the view from primary care . The Lancet Oncology vol. 21 , Article 6 , 748 - 750 .
Abed H, Burke M, Scambler S, Scott SE ( 2019 ) . Denture use and osteoradionecrosis following radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: A systematic review . GERODONTOLOGY
Moodley J, Scott SE, Mwaka AD, Constant D, Githaiga JN, Stewart TS, Payne A, Cairncross L et al. ( 2019 ) . Development and validation of the African Women Awareness of CANcer (AWACAN) tool for breast and cervical cancer . PLOS ONE vol. 14 , ( 8 )
Githaiga JN, Walter FM, Scott SE, Mwaka AD, Moodley J ( 2019 ) . Symptom awareness measures for breast and cervical cancer in sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review . South African Journal of Oncology vol. 3 , ( 0 )
Scott SE, Penfold C, Saji S, Curtis S, Watts C, Hamilton W, Joannides AJ, Walter FM ( 2019 ) . ‘It was nothing that you would think was anything’: Qualitative analysis of appraisal and help seeking preceding brain cancer diagnosis . PLOS ONE vol. 14 , ( 3 )
Kummer S, Walter FM, Chilcot J, Emery J, Sutton S, Scott SE ( 2019 ) . Do cognitive heuristics underpin symptom appraisal for symptoms of cancer?: A secondary qualitative analysis across seven cancers . Psycho-Oncology vol. 28 , ( 5 ) 1041 - 1047 .
Walter FM, Penfold C, Joannides A, Saji S, Johnson M, Watts C, Brodbelt A, Jenkinson MD et al. ( 2019 ) . Missed opportunities for diagnosing brain tumours in primary care: a qualitative study of patient experiences . British Journal of General Practice vol. 69 , ( 681 )
French DP, Scott SE, Powell R ( 2018 ) . Promoting early detection and screening for disease . Principles and Concepts of Behavioral Medicine , Springer New York
Moodley J, Walter FM, Scott SE, Mwaka AM ( 2018 ) . Towards timely diagnosis of symptomatic breast and cervical cancer in South Africa . South African Medical Journal vol. 108 , ( 10 ) 803 - 804 .
Coxon D, Campbell C, Walter FM, Scott SE, Neal RD, Vedsted P, Emery J, Rubin G et al. ( 2018 ) . The Aarhus statement on cancer diagnostic research: turning recommendations into new survey instruments . BMC Health Services Research vol. 18 , ( 1 )
Moodley, Walter, Scott SE, Mwaka ( 2018 ) . Toward timely diagnosis of symptomatic breast and cervical cancer in South Africa . South African Medical Journal
Kummer S, Walter FM, Chilcot J, Scott S ( 2017 ) . Measures of psychosocial factors that may influence help-seeking behaviour in cancer: A systematic review of psychometric properties . Journal of Health Psychology vol. 24 , ( 1 ) 79 - 99 .
Bould K, Scott S, Dunne S, Asimakopoulou K ( 2017 ) . Uptake of screening for type 2 diabetes risk in general dental practice; An exploratory study . British Dental Journal vol. 222 , Article 4 , 293 - 296 .
Birt L, Scott S, Cavers D, Campbell C, Walter F ( 2016 ) . Member Checking . Qualitative Health Research vol. 26 , ( 13 ) 1802 - 1811 .
Merchant R, Gallagher JE, Scott SE ( 2016 ) . Oral cancer awareness in young South-Asian communities in London . Community Dental Health vol. 33 , 60 - 64 .
Scambler SJ, Scott SE, Asimakopoulou KG ( 2016 ) . Sociology and Psychology for the Dental Team . Polity Press ( Cambridge ),
Scambler SJ, Scott SE, Asimakopoulou KG ( 2016 ) . Sociology and Psychology for the Dental Team: An Introduction to Key Topics . Polity Press
Awojobi O, Newton JT, Scott SE ( 2016 ) . Pilot study to train dentists to communicate about oral cancer: the impact on dentists' self-reported behaviour, confidence and beliefs . British Dental Journal vol. 220 , ( 2 ) 71 - 76 .
Kani-Zabihi E, Asimakopoulou KG, Daly BJM, Hare J, Lewis J, Scambler SJ, Scott SE, Newton JT ( 2015 ) . Characteristics of patients attending for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at one specialist unit in the UK and outcomes of treatment . British Dental Journal vol. 219 , Article 10 , 501 - 506 .
Whitaker KL, Winstanley K, Macleod U, Scott SE, Wardle J ( 2015 ) . Low cancer suspicion following experience of a cancer ’warning sign’ . European Journal of Cancer vol. 51 , Article 16 , 2473 - 2479 .
Balasooriya-Smeekens C, Walter FM, Scott S ( 2015 ) . The role of emotions in time to presentation for symptoms suggestive of cancer: a systematic literature review of quantitative studies . Psycho-Oncology vol. 24 , ( 12 ) 1594 - 1604 .
Awojobi O, Newton JT, Scott SE ( 2015 ) . Why don't dentists talk to patients about oral cancer? . British Dental Journal vol. 218 , ( 9 ) 537 - 541 .
Scott SE, Birt L, Cavers D, Shah N, Campbell C, Walter FM ( 2015 ) . Patient drawings of their melanoma: A novel approach to understanding symptom perception and appraisal prior to health care . Psychology and Health vol. 30 , ( 9 ) 1035 - 1048 .
Whitaker KL, Scott SE, Wardle J ( 2015 ) . Applying symptom appraisal models to understand sociodemographic differences in responses to possible cancer symptoms: a research agenda . British Journal of Cancer vol. 112 , S27–S34 - S27–S34 .
Whitaker KL, Macleod U, Winstanley K, Scott SE, Wardle J ( 2015 ) . Help seeking for cancer ’alarm’ symptoms: A qualitative interview study of primary care patients in the UK . British Journal of General Practice vol. 65 , Article 631 , e96 - e105 .
Coxon D, Campbell C, Walter F, Scott S, Neal R, Vedsted P, Emery J, Rubin G et al. ( 2015 ) . Development of the 'Aarhus Statement Tool for Researching Intervals in Diagnosis' (ASTRID): results from a pilot study with cancer patients and their GPs . EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE . vol. 24 , 16 - 16 .
Whitaker KL, Scott SE, Winstanley K, Macleod U, Wardle J ( 2014 ) . Attributions of cancer ’alarm’ symptoms in a community sample . PL o S One vol. 9 , Article 12 ,
Munro H, Scott SE, King A, Grunfeld EA ( 2014 ) . Patterns and predictors of disclosure of a diagnosis of cancer . Psycho-Oncology vol. 24 , ( 5 ) 508 - 514 .
Walter FM, Birt L, Cavers D, Scott S, Emery J, Burrows N, Cavanagh G, MacKie R et al. ( 2014 ) . ‘This isn't what mine looked like’: a qualitative study of symptom appraisal and help seeking in people recently diagnosed with melanoma . BMJ Open vol. 4 , ( 7 )
Walter FM, Birt L, Cavers D, Scott S, Emery J, Burrows N, Cavanagh G, MacKie R et al. ( 2014 ) . 'This isn't what mine looked like': A qualitative study of symptom appraisal and help seeking in people recently diagnosed with melanoma . BMJ Open . vol. 4 ,
Awojobi O, Newton T, Scott S ( 2014 ) . Development of a guide to help dentists talk about oral cancer . Journal of Dental Research vol. Vol. 93 , Article Spec Iss B ,
Whitaker K, Scott SE, Winstanley K, Cromme S, Macleod U, Wardle J ( 2014 ) . The association between normalising attributions and help-seeking for cancer alarm symptoms in the community: a cross-sectional survey . Lancet vol. 384 , S86 - S86 .
Awojobi O, Scott S, Newton J ( 2013 ) . A Systematic Review of Effective Patient-Provider Communication about Cancer Screening . Journal of Dental Research , vol. 92 (Spec Iss A) ,
Awojobi O, Scott SE, Newton T ( 2012 ) . Patients’ perceptions of oral cancer screening in dental practice: a cross-sectional study . BMC Oral Health vol. 12 , ( 1 )
Scott SE, Walter FM, Webster A, Sutton S, Emery J ( 2012 ) . The Model of Pathways to Treatment: Conceptualization and integration with existing theory . British Journal of Health Psychology vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 45 - 65 .
Walter F, Webster A, Scott S, Emery J ( 2012 ) . The Andersen Model of Total Patient Delay: A Systematic Review of Its Application in Cancer Diagnosis . Journal of Health Services Research & Policy vol. 17 , ( 2 ) 110 - 118 .
Weller D, Vedsted P, Rubin G, Walter FM, Emery J, Scott S, Campbell C, Andersen RS et al. ( 2012 ) . The Aarhus statement: improving design and reporting of studies on early cancer diagnosis . British Journal of Cancer vol. 106 , ( 7 ) 1262 - 1267 .
Awojobi O, Scott S ( 2012 ) . Using Social Cognitive Theories to Encourage Early Detection of Oral Cancer . Journal of Dental Research , vol. 91 (Spec Iss B) ,
Newton T, Asimakopoulou K, Scambler S, Scott S ( 2012 ) . What’s new in anxiety management without drugs: an update . SAAD DIGEST vol. 28 , 3 - 7 .
Scott SE, Weinman J, Grunfeld EA ( 2011 ) . Developing ways to encourage early detection and presentation of oral cancer: What do high-risk individuals think? . Psychology & health vol. 26 , Article 10 , 1392 - 1405 .
Scott S, Kwaja M, Low E, Weinman J, Grunfeld E ( 2011 ) . A randomised controlled trial of a pilot intervention to encourage early presentation of oral cancer in high risk groups . Patient Education and Counseling vol. 88 , Article 2 , 241 - 248 .
Foxwell KR, Scott SE ( 2011 ) . Coping Together and Apart: Exploring How Patients and Their Caregivers Manage Terminal Head and Neck Cancer . JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOCIAL ONCOLOGY vol. 29 , Article 3 , 308 - 326 .
Scott SE, Newton JT ( 2011 ) . Body dysmorphic disorder and aesthetic dentistry . Dental Update vol. 38 , Article 2 , 112 - 118 .
Scott SE, Rizvi K, Grunfeld EA, McGurk M ( 2010 ) . A pilot study to estimate the accuracy of mouth self-examination in an at-risk group . Head & Neck: journal for the sciences and specialities of the head and neck vol. 32 , Article 10 , 1393 - 1401 .
Scott S, Walter F ( 2010 ) . Studying Helpā€Seeking for Symptoms: The Challenges of Methods and Models . Social and Personality Psychology Compass vol. 4 , ( 8 ) 531 - 547 .
McGurk M, Scott SE ( 2010 ) . The reality of identifying early oral cancer in the general dental practice . British Dental Journal vol. 208 , Article 8 , 347 - 351 .
Foxwell K, Scott SE ( 2010 ) . Exploring the concerns and needs of patients with terminal head and neck cancer and their caregivers . Social Science and Dentistry vol. 1 , Article 2 , 88 - 88 .
Scott SE, Walter FM ( 2010 ) . Studying help-seeking for symptoms: the challenges of methods and models . Social and Personality Psychology Compass vol. 4 , Article 8 , 531 - 547 .
Scott SE, McGurk M, Grunfeld EA ( 2008 ) . Patient delay for potentially malignant oral symptoms . European Journal of Oral Sciences vol. 116 , Article 2 , 141 - 147 .
Weinman J, Ebrecht M, Scott S, Walburn J, Dyson M ( 2008 ) . Enhanced wound healing after emotional disclosure intervention . British Journal of Health Psychology vol. 13 , Article 1 , 95 - 102 .
Williams M, Scott S ( 2008 ) . Is there scope for providing oral cancer health advice in dental access centres? . British Dental Journal vol. 205 , Article 8 ,
Scott SE, Grunfeld EA, Mcgurk M ( 2006 ) . Patient delay in oral cancer: a qualitative study of patient’s experiences . Psycho-Oncology vol. 15 , Article 6 , 474 - 485 .
Scott SE, Grunfeld EA, McGurk M ( 2006 ) . Patient’s delay in oral cancer: a systematic review . Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology vol. 34 , Article 5 , 337 - 343 .
Scott SE, Grunfeld EA, McGurk M ( 2005 ) . The idiosyncratic relationship between diagnostic delay and stage of oral squamous cell carcinoma . ORAL ONCOLOGY vol. 41 , Article 4 , 396 - 403 .