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Publications: Dr Michail Sideris

Fierheller C, Sarig K, Oxley S, Kalra A, Sobocan M, Sideris M, Gootzen T, Ferris M et al. ( 2024 ) . BRCA awareness and testing experience in the UK Jewish population: A qualitative study . Gynecologic Oncology . vol. 190 , s162 - s163 .
Manchanda R, Wei X, Sun L, Slade E, Fierheller C, Oxley S, Kalra A, Sia J et al. ( 2024 ) . Cost-effectiveness analysis of cancer susceptibility gene-specific prevention strategies for ovarian and breast cancer . Gynecologic Oncology . vol. 190 , s159 - s160 .
Kalra A, Ganesan S, Sia J, Papalois K-B, Pandya A, Xiong R, Wei X, Oxley S et al. ( 2024 ) . EV186/#1233  Patient-related outcomes of mainstreaming genetic testing – a systematic review and meta-analysis . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: E-Poster Viewing Abstracts vol. 34 , a179 - a180 .
Oxley S, Ahmed S, Baxter K, Blake D, Braden V, Brincat MR, Bryan S, Dilley J et al. ( 2024 ) . Venous thromboembolism during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for ovarian cancer . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer vol. 34 , ( 11 ) 1768 - 1774 .
Strong SM, Cross AC, Sideris M, Whiteley MS ( 2024 ) . A Retrospective Cohort Study of Patient Risk Factors and Pelvic Venous Reflux Patterns on Treatment Outcomes With Pelvic Vein Embolisation . Vascular and Endovascular Surgery vol. 58 , ( 7 ) 733 - 741 .
Mira AR, Brincat MR, Zalawadia S, Sideris M, Dilley J ( 2024 ) . Immature ovarian teratoma with gliomatosis peritonei, paraneoplastic hyponatremia and growing teratoma syndrome: a case report and literature review . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 86 , ( 8 ) 4907 - 4912 .
Manchanda R, Sun L, Wei X, legood R ( 2024 ) . Cost-effectiveness of unselected multigene germline and somatic genetic testing for epithelial ovarian cancer . Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network : JNCCN
Oxley S, Manchanda R ( 2024 ) . BRCA awareness and testing experience in the UK Jewish population: a qualitative study . Journal of Medical Genetics
Oxley S, Manchanda R ( 2024 ) . Utility Scores for Risk-Reducing Mastectomy and Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy: Mapping to EQ-5D . Cancers
Sideris M, Brincat MR, Blyuss O, Enumula M, Cyclewala S, Oxley S, Sia J, Kalra A et al. ( 2024 ) . 1033 Validation of P-POSSUM scale in ovarian cancer (OC) cytoreductive surgery . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Poster and E-Posters vol. 34 , a391 - a392 .
Essangri H, Brincat MR, Mira AR, Sideris M, Phadnis S, Parberry A ( 2024 ) . 1044 Outpatient management of cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia: an audit of 5-year follow-up outcomes . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Poster and E-Posters vol. 34 , a122 - a123 .
Wei X, Sun LI, Slade E, Fierheller C, Oxley S, Kalra A, Sia J, Sideris M et al. ( 2024 ) . 443 Cost-effectiveness analysis of cancer susceptibility gene-specific prevention strategies for ovarian and breast cancer . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Oral Sessions vol. 34 , a40 - a41 .
Kalra A, Gootzen TA, Fierheller CT, Sarig K, Pan Y, Parmar A, Papalois K-B, Samuels AJ et al. ( 2024 ) . 461 HBOC and lynch syndrome: ai-powered multi-platform analysis of social media activity . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Poster and E-Posters vol. 34 ,
Oxley S, Sia J, Samuels A, Kalra A, Wei X, Fierheller CT, Sideris M, Mccluggage WG et al. ( 2024 ) . 583 Experiences of women following risk-reducing early-salpingectomy and delayed-oophorectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy on the PROTECTOR trial: a qualitative study . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Poster and E-Posters vol. 34 ,
Oxley S, Wei X, Sideris M, Blyuss O, Kalra A, Sia J, Ganesan S, Fierheller CT et al. ( 2024 ) . 948 EQ-5D utility scores for risk-reducing mastectomy and risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy: mapping from SF-12 and SF-36 . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Poster and E-Posters vol. 34 ,
Sideris M, Menon U, Manchanda R ( 2024 ) . Screening and prevention of ovarian cancer . The Medical Journal of Australia vol. 220 , ( 5 ) 264 - 274 .
Wei X, Sun L, Slade E, Fierheller CT, Oxley S, Kalra A, Sia J, Sideris M et al. ( 2024 ) . Cost-Effectiveness of Gene-Specific Prevention Strategies for Ovarian and Breast Cancer . JAMA Network Open vol. 7 , ( 2 )
Sideris M, Rallis KS, Nicolaides M, Kuri A, Schottler N, Paulus N, Haas O, Krajewski R et al. ( 2024 ) . The UEMS experience in continuous medical education accreditation process: a ‘quo vadis’ analysis of our global database . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 86 , ( 2 ) 689 - 696 .
Rallis KS, Makker S, Ghose A, Sideris M ( 2024 ) . Assessing Radiological Response to Immunotherapy in Lung Cancer: An Evolving Arena . Cancer Diagnosis & Prognosis vol. 4 , ( 1 ) 1 - 8 .
Wei X, Sun L, Slade E, Oxley S, Kalra A, Sia J, Sideris M, Fierheller C et al. ( 2023 ) . EE675 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Cancer Susceptibility Gene-Specific Prevention and Surveillance Strategies for Ovarian and Breast Cancer . Value in Health . vol. 26 , s183 - s184 .
Brincat MR, Mira AR, Cyclewala S, Enumula M, Sideris M, Dilley J ( 2023 ) . #136 The role of edmonton frail scale assessment in pre-operative counselling for ovarian cancer cytoreductive surgery . Conference: Poster/ePoster Sessionsa250.1 - a2a250 .
Sobocan M, Chandrasekaran D, Sideris M, Blyuss O, Fierheller C, Kalra A, Sia J, Miller RE et al. ( 2023 ) . Patient decision aids in mainstreaming genetic testing for women with ovarian cancer: A prospective cohort study . BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology vol. 131 , ( 6 ) 848 - 857 .
Wei X, Oxley S, Sideris M, Legood R, Manchanda R ( 2023 ) . Patient-reported quality of life following prophylactic surgery for breast and ovarian cancer prevention: response . American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology vol. 230 , ( 2 ) 274 - 275 .
Brincat MR, Leen SLS, Faruqi A, Sideris M, Lau KKW, Lawrence A ( 2023 ) . Pulmonary benign metastasizing uterine leiomyoma (PBML): a case report and review of the literature . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 85 , ( 7 ) 3686 - 3691 .
Wei X, Oxley S, Sideris M, Kalra A, Brentnall A, Sun L, Yang L, Legood R et al. ( 2023 ) . Quality of life after risk-reducing surgery for breast and ovarian cancer prevention: a systematic review and meta-analysis . American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology vol. 229 , ( 4 ) 388 - 409.e4 .
Oxley S, Wei X, Sideris M, Manchanda R ( 2023 ) . Cost-Effectiveness of Genetic Testing Strategies for Breast Cancer . Screening and Risk Reduction Strategies for Breast Cancer , Springer Nature
Dedeilia A, Papapanou M, Papadopoulos AN, Karela N-R, Androutsou A, Mitsopoulou D, Nikolakea M, Konstantinidis C et al. ( 2023 ) . Health worker education during the COVID-19 pandemic: global disruption, responses and lessons for the future—a systematic review and meta-analysis . Human Resources for Health vol. 21 , ( 1 )
Oxley S, Kalra A, Sideris M, Itzkowitz N, Evans O, Atakpa EC, Brentnall AR, Dworschak N et al. ( 2023 ) . Impact of Multiple COVID-19 Waves on Gynaecological Cancer Services in the UK . Cancers vol. 15 , ( 4 )
Wei X, Oxley S, Sideris M, Kalra A, Sun L, Yang L, Legood R, Manchanda R ( 2022 ) . Cost-Effectiveness of Risk-Reducing Surgery for Breast and Ovarian Cancer Prevention: A Systematic Review . Cancers vol. 14 , ( 24 )
Yong N, Cooper N, Yorke S, Baran C, Khan K, Tan A, Sideris M, Iliodromiti S et al. ( 2022 ) . Variation in outcome reporting in studies of fertility‐sparing surgery for cervical cancer: A systematic review . BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology vol. 130 , ( 2 ) 163 - 175 .
Grube M, Neilson A, Plante M, Brummel K, Kroon CD, Schochter F, Sideris M, Heitz F et al. ( 2022 ) . O031/#777 Lymphadenectomy in endometrioid ovarian carcinoma patients with early stage disease: results from the leopard trial . Conference: Focused Plenary Abstractsa20.1 - a2a20 .
Oxley S, Xiong R, Wei X, Kalra A, Sideris M, Legood R, Manchanda R ( 2022 ) . Quality of Life after Risk-Reducing Hysterectomy for Endometrial Cancer Prevention: A Systematic Review . Cancers vol. 14 , ( 23 )
Wei X, Oxley S, Sideris M, Kalra A, Legood R, Manchanda R ( 2022 ) . 2022-RA-1270-ESGO Quality of Life after risk-reducing surgery for breast and ovarian cancer prevention: a systematic review and meta-analysis . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Prevention of gynaecologic cancer vol. 32 ,
Wei X, Oxley S, Sideris M, Kalra A, Legood R, Manchanda R ( 2022 ) . 2022-RA-1272-ESGO Cost-effectiveness of risk-reducing surgery for breast and ovarian cancer prevention: a systematic review . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Prevention of gynaecologic cancer vol. 32 , a383 - a384 .
Sun L, Sobocan M, Rodriguez IV, Wei X, Kalra A, Oxley S, Sideris M, Morgan RD et al. ( 2022 ) . 2022-RA-1310-ESGO Cost-effectiveness of unselected multigene germline and somatic genetic testing for epithelial ovarian cancer . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Ovarian cancer vol. 32 , a321 - a322 .
Yong N, Cooper N, Yorke S, Baran C, Khan K, Tan A, Sideris M, Iliodromiti S et al. ( 2022 ) . 2022-RA-1407-ESGO Variation in outcome reporting in studies of fertility sparing surgery for cervical cancer: a systematic review . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Fertility/Pregnancy vol. 32 , a179 - a180 .
Sobocan M, Chandrasekaran D, Sideris M, Blyuss O, Miller R, Mills-Baldock T, Crusz S, Sun L et al. ( 2022 ) . 2022-RA-1443-ESGO Patient decision aids in genetic testing for women with ovarian cancer . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Vaginal and vulvar cancer vol. 32 ,
Burnell M, Gaba F, Sideris M, Sobocan M, Rakshit R, Sanderson S, Loggenberg K, Gessler S et al. ( 2022 ) . 2022-RA-1465-ESGO Randomised trial of population based BRCA testing in Ashkenazi Jews: long term secondary lifestyle behavioural outcomes . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Quality of life after treatment vol. 32 ,
Sideris M, Emin EI, Hanrahan JG, Odejinmi F, Mallick R, Nicolaides M, Velmahos G, Athanasiou T et al. ( 2022 ) . 2022-RA-1631-ESGO ABC of surgical teaching: time to consider a global blueprint for holistic education . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Miscellaneous vol. 32 ,
Rallis KS, Corrigan AE, Dadah H, Stanislovas J, Zamani P, Makker S, Szabados B, Sideris M ( 2022 ) . IL-10 in cancer: an essential thermostatic regulator between homeostatic immunity and inflammation – a comprehensive review . Future Oncology vol. 18 , ( 29 ) 3349 - 3365 .
Hillyar CR, Kanabar SS, Pufal KR, Lawson AW, Hee JLS, Rallis KS, Nibber A, Sideris M ( 2022 ) . A systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic effectiveness of human papillomavirus methylation biomarkers for detection of cervical cancer . Epigenomics vol. 14 , ( 18 ) 1055 - 1072 .
Sideris M, Elshaer AM, Johnson RL, Kotwal S, Mehta S, Quyn A, Saunders R, Tiernan J et al. ( 2022 ) . “Learning from the experts” – a novel advanced cadaveric course for Gynaecological Oncology (GO) Cytoreductive Surgery . Facts Views and Vision in ObGyn vol. 14 , ( 3 ) 265 - 273 .
Manchanda R, Sideris M ( 2022 ) . Population based genetic testing for cancer susceptibility genes: quo vadis . BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Morin A, Sideris M, Platts S, Palamarchuk T, Odejinmi F ( 2022 ) . To Fight or to Flee? A Systematic Review of Ectopic Pregnancy Management and Complications During the Covid-19 Pandemic . In Vivo vol. 36 , ( 4 ) 1570 - 1579 .
Rallis KS, George AM, Wozniak AM, Bigogno CM, Chow B, Hanrahan JG, Sideris M ( 2022 ) . Molecular Genetics and Targeted Therapies for Paediatric High-grade Glioma . Cancer Genomics & Proteomics vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 390 - 414 .
Emin EI, Emin E, Bimpis A, Pierides M, Dedeilia A, Javed Z, Rallis K-S, Saeed F et al. ( 2022 ) . Teaching and Assessment of Medical Students During Complex Multifactorial Team-Based Tasks: The “Virtual on Call” Case Study . Advances in Medical Education and Practice vol. 13 , 457 - 465 .
Triantafillidis JK, Triantafyllidi E, Sideris M, Pittaras T, Papalois AE ( 2022 ) . Herbals and Plants in the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer: A Systematic Review of Experimental and Clinical Studies . Nutrients vol. 14 , ( 3 )
Lymperopoulos NS, Sideris M, Sofos S, Zografos C, Nanidis T, Manjumder S, Shokrollahi K, Zografos G et al. ( 2021 ) . A novel plastic surgery simulation model for medical students . Journal of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery vol. 75 , ( 3 ) 1261 - 1282 .
Sideris M, Darwish A, Rallis K, Emin EI, Mould T ( 2021 ) . 548 Prognostic biomarkers for atypical endometrial hyperplasia: a mini review . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Translational research biomarkers vol. 31 ,
Rallis K, Sideris M, Wang YA, Hillyar C, Makker S, Emin E, Mould T ( 2021 ) . 996 Epigenetic methylation in endometrial cancer (EC): an umbrella review of published evidence . International Journal of Gynecological Cancer . Conference: Endometrial cancer vol. 31 ,
Sideris M, Hanrahan JG, Nicolaides M, Jagiello J, Rallis KS, Emin E, Theodorou E, Mallick R et al. ( 2021 ) . In vivo Simulation-Based Learning for Undergraduate Medical Students: Teaching and Assessment [Response to Letter] . Advances in Medical Education and Practice vol. 12 , 1221 - 1222 .
Shah N, Sackey N, Gopee S, Sideris M, Broadbent M ( 2021 ) . Cystic endometrium on ultrasound scan: Sonographic‐hysteroscopic‐pathologic correlation . International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics vol. 157 , ( 3 ) 544 - 548 .
Sideris M, Nicolaides M, Jagiello J, Rallis KS, Emin E, Theodorou E, Hanrahan JG, Mallick R et al. ( 2021 ) . In vivo Simulation-Based Learning for Undergraduate Medical Students: Teaching and Assessment . Advances in Medical Education and Practice vol. 12 , 995 - 1002 .
Rallis KS, Corrigan AE, Dadah H, George AM, Keshwara SM, Sideris M, Szabados B ( 2021 ) . Cytokine-based Cancer Immunotherapy: Challenges and Opportunities for IL-10 . Anticancer Research vol. 41 , ( 7 ) 3247 - 3252 .
Mallick R, Odejinmi F, Sideris M, Egbase E, Kaler M ( 2021 ) . The impact of COVID-19 on obstetrics and gynaecology trainees; how do we move on? . Facts Views and Vision in ObGyn vol. 13 , ( 1 ) 9 - 14 .
Rallis K, Wozniak AM, Hui S, Nicolaides M, Shah N, Subba B, Papalois A, Sideris M ( 2021 ) . 34 Inspiring the future generation of oncologists: a UK-wide study of medical students’ views towards oncology . BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care . Conference: Poster presentations vol. 11 , a20 - a21 .
Rallis KS, Wozniak AM, Hui S, Stammer A, Cinar C, Sun M, Fulton-Ward T, Clarke AA et al. ( 2021 ) . 35 Mentoring medical students towards oncology: results from a pilot multi-institutional mentorship programme . BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care . Conference: Poster presentations vol. 11 , a21 - a21 .
Rallis KS, Hillyar CRT, Sideris M, Davies JK ( 2021 ) . T-cell-based Immunotherapies for Haematological Cancers, Part A: A SWOT Analysis of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors (ICIs) and Bispecific T-Cell Engagers (BiTEs) . Anticancer Research vol. 41 , ( 3 ) 1123 - 1141 .
Rallis KS, Hillyar CRT, Sideris M, Davies JK ( 2021 ) . T-cell-based Immunotherapies for Haematological Cancers, Part B: A SWOT Analysis of Adoptive Cell Therapies . Anticancer Research vol. 41 , ( 3 ) 1143 - 1156 .
Koreli A, Briassoulis G, Sideris M, Philalithis A, Papagrigoriadis S ( 2021 ) . Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) for Rectal Cancer: Patient Decision-making, Postoperative Experience and Quality of Life . In Vivo vol. 35 , ( 2 ) 1235 - 1245 .
Rallis KS, Wozniak AM, Hui S, Nicolaides M, Shah N, Subba B, Papalois A, Sideris M ( 2021 ) . Inspiring the future generation of oncologists: a UK-wide study of medical students’ views towards oncology . BMC Medical Education vol. 21 , ( 1 )
RALLIS KS, YAU THL, SIDERIS M ( 2021 ) . Chemoradiotherapy in Cancer Treatment: Rationale and Clinical Applications . Anticancer Research vol. 41 , ( 1 ) 1 - 7 .
EMMANUEL T, NICOLAIDES M, THEODOULOU I, YOONG W, LYMPEROPOULOS N, SIDERIS M ( 2021 ) . Suturing Skills for Medical Students: A Systematic Review . In Vivo vol. 35 , ( 1 ) 1 - 12 .
Shah N, Egbase E, Sideris M, Odejinmi F ( 2021 ) . What happens after randomised controlled trials? Uterine fibroids and ulipristal acetate: systematic review and meta-analysis of "real-world" data . Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics vol. 303 , ( 5 ) 1121 - 1130 .
Ibrahim S, Drymiotou S, Hegab K, Sideris M, Okba M ( 2020 ) . Second trimester rupture uterus, unusual presentation . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 61 , 145 - 147 .
Rallis KS, Wozniak A, Hui S, Stammer A, Cinar C, Sun M, Fulton-Ward T, Clarke AA et al. ( 2020 ) . Mentoring Medical Students Towards Oncology: Results from a Pilot Multi-institutional Mentorship Programme . Journal of Cancer Education vol. 37 , ( 4 ) 1053 - 1065 .
Nicolaides M, Theodorou E, Emin EI, Theodoulou I, Odejinmi F, Papalois A, Sideris M ( 2020 ) . Team Performance Training for Medical Students: Low vs High Fidelity Simulation . Journal of the American College of Surgeons . vol. 231 ,
Boyce L, Nicolaides M, Hanrahan JG, Sideris M, Pafitanis G ( 2020 ) . The early response of plastic and reconstructive surgery services to the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review . Journal of Plastic Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery vol. 73 , ( 11 ) 2063 - 2071 .
ZOGRAFOS CG, CHRYSIKOS D, PITTARAS T, KARAMPELIAS V, CHAIRAKAKIS A, GALANOS A, SFINIADAKIS I, FELEKOURAS E et al. ( 2020 ) . The Effects of Ascorbic Acid and U-74389G on Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in a Rat Model . In Vivo vol. 34 , ( 5 ) 2475 - 2484 .
Strong SM, Magama Z, Mallick R, Sideris M, Odejinmi F ( 2020 ) . Waiting for myomectomy during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The vicious cycle of psychological and physical trauma associated with increased wait times . International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics vol. 151 , ( 2 ) 303 - 305 .
Sideris M, Hanrahan JG, Papalois V ( 2020 ) . COVID-19 and surgical education: Every cloud has a silver lining . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 58 , 20 - 21 .
Sideris M, Emin EI, Hanrahan JG, Odejinmi F, Mallick R, Nicolaides M, Velmahos G, Athanasiou T et al. ( 2020 ) . ABC of Surgical Teaching: Time to Consider a Global Blueprint for Holistic Education . Journal of Investigative Surgery vol. 34 , ( 12 ) 1355 - 1365 .
Shah N, Raheem A, Sideris M, Velauthar L, Saeed F ( 2020 ) . Mental health amongst obstetrics and gynaecology doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of a UK-wide study . European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology vol. 253 , 90 - 94 .
Nicolaides M, Rallis K, Eyskens PJ, Andreou A, Odejinmi F, Papalois A, Sideris M ( 2020 ) . A student initiative to improve exposure in research – Dual benefit? . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 56 , 211 - 216 .
Sideris M, McCaughey T, Hanrahan JG, Arroyo-Manzano D, Zamora J, Jha S, Knowles CH, Thakar R et al. ( 2020 ) . Risk of obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) and anal incontinence: A meta-analysis . European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology vol. 252 , 303 - 312 .
Hanrahan JG, Burford C, Adegboyega G, Nicolaides M, Boyce L, Wong K, Sideris M ( 2020 ) . Early Responses of Neurosurgical Practice to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic: A Rapid Review . World Neurosurgery vol. 141 , e1017 - e1026 .
DEDEILIA A, SOTIROPOULOS MG, HANRAHAN JG, JANGA D, DEDEILIAS P, SIDERIS M ( 2020 ) . Medical and Surgical Education Challenges and Innovations in the COVID-19 Era: A Systematic Review . In Vivo vol. 34 , ( 3 suppl ) 1603 - 1611 .
Nicolaides M, Theodorou E, Emin EI, Theodoulou I, Andersen N, Lymperopoulos N, Odejinmi F, Kitapcioglu D et al. ( 2020 ) . Team performance training for medical students: Low vs high fidelity simulation . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 55 , 308 - 315 .
Odejinmi F, Strong S, Sideris M, Mallick R ( 2020 ) . Caesarean section in women following an abdominal myomectomy: a choice or a need? . Facts Views and Vision in ObGyn vol. 12 , ( 1 ) 57 - 60 .
SIDERIS M, NICOLAIDES M, THEODOULOU I, EMIN EI, HANRAHAN JG, DEDEILIA A, THEODOROU E, PAPAROIDAMIS G et al. ( 2020 ) . Student Views on a Novel Holistic Surgical Education Curriculum (iG4): A Multi-national Survey in a Changing Landscape . In Vivo vol. 34 , ( 3 ) 1063 - 1069 .
Strong SM, Jesner O, Sideris M, Odejinmi F ( 2020 ) . Regarding “Patient and Hospital Characteristics Associated with Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy: Evidence from 143 Illinois Hospitals, 2016 to 2018” . Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology vol. 27 , ( 6 ) 1427 - 1428 .
Theodoulou I, Louca C, Sideris M, Nicolaides M, Agrawal D, Halapas A, Diamantopoulos A, Papalois A ( 2020 ) . A prospective study integrating a curriculum of interventional radiology in undergraduate education: a tetra-core simulation model . CVIR Endovascular vol. 3 , ( 1 )
SIDERIS M, PAPALOIS V, ATHANASIOU T, PAPAGRIGORIADIS S, PIERIDES M, VELMAHOS G, PAPALOIS A ( 2020 ) . A Novel Multi-faceted Course Blueprint to Support Outcome-based Holistic Surgical Education: The Integrated Generation 4 Model (iG4) . In Vivo vol. 34 , ( 2 ) 503 - 509 .
STRONG SM, SIDERIS M, MAGAMA Z, ROUABHI S, ODEJINMI F ( 2020 ) . Surgical Intervention for Uterine Fibroids. Our 4-Year Experience and Literature Review: Is It Time to Centralise Care Provision Via Specialist Fibroid Centres? . In Vivo vol. 34 , ( 2 ) 695 - 701 .
Theodoulou I, Sideris M, Lawal K, Nicolaides M, Dedeilia A, Emin EI, Tsoulfas G, Papalois V et al. ( 2020 ) . Retrospective qualitative study evaluating the application of IG4 curriculum: an adaptable concept for holistic surgical education . BMJ Open vol. 10 , ( 2 )
Hanrahan JG, Sideris M, Pasha T, Dedeilia A, Papalois A, Papalois V ( 2020 ) . Postgraduate Assessment Approaches Across Surgical Specialties: A Systematic Review of the Published Evidence . Academic Medicine vol. 96 , ( 2 ) 285 - 295 .
Hanrahan JG, Sideris M, Pasha T, Dedeilia A, Papalois A, Papalois V ( 2020 ) . Postgraduate Surgical Assessments - A Systematic Review and Quality Assessment of Published Evidence . BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY . vol. 107 , 185 - 185 .
Papalois AE, Barbatis C, Chrysikos D, Korontzi M, Sideris M, Pittaras T, Triantafyllidi E, Nomikos A et al. ( 2019 ) . Treatment with Molgramostim (Recombinant Human Granulocyte‐Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor, Rhugm‐Csf, Mielogen) and Lenograstim (Granulocyte‐Colony Stimulating Factor) Improves Experimental Colitis in Rats . BioMed Research International vol. 2019 , ( 1 )
Nicolaides M, Theodorou E, Hanrahan JG, Theodoulou I, Elif EI, Tsoulfas G, Papalois A, Michail S ( 2019 ) . Novel Group-Based Approach to Improve Medical Students' Non-Technical Skills . Journal of the American College of Surgeons . vol. 229 ,
Emin EI, Emin E, Papalois A, Willmott F, Clarke S, Sideris M ( 2019 ) . Artificial Intelligence in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Is This the Way Forward? . In Vivo vol. 33 , ( 5 ) 1547 - 1551 .
ODEJINMI F, AREF-ADIB M, LIOU N, SIDERIS M, MALLICK R ( 2019 ) . Rethinking the Issue of Power Morcellation of Uterine Fibroids: Is Morcellation the Real Problem or Is this Another Symptom of Disparity in Healthcare Provision? . In Vivo vol. 33 , ( 5 ) 1393 - 1401 .
Nicolaides M, Theodorou E, Hanrahan JG, Theodoulou I, Emin EI, Papalois A, Sideris M ( 2019 ) . Advancing Medical Students’ Non-technical Skills in a Group-Based Setting . Journal of Investigative Surgery vol. 34 , ( 1 ) 39 - 43 .
Emin EI, Ruhomauly Z, Theodoulou I, Hanrahan JG, Staikoglou N, Nicolaides M, Thulasidasan N, Papalois A et al. ( 2019 ) . Are interventional radiology and allied specialities neglected in undergraduate medical education? A systematic review . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 40 , 22 - 30 .
Sideris M, Emin EI, Abdullah Z, Hanrahan J, Stefatou KM, Sevas V, Emin E, Hollingworth T et al. ( 2019 ) . The Role of KRAS in Endometrial Cancer: A Mini-Review . Anticancer Research vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 533 - 539 .
Nicolaides M, Cardillo L, Theodoulou I, Hanrahan J, Tsoulfas G, Athanasiou T, Papalois A, Sideris M ( 2018 ) . Developing a novel framework for non-technical skills learning strategies for undergraduates: A systematic review . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 36 , 29 - 40 .
Hanrahan J, Theodoulou I, Staikoglou N, Tsagkaraki IM, Pasha T, Plastiras A, Tsoulfas G, Velmahos GC et al. ( 2018 ) . Evidence-Based Approach to Harmonize Core Performance Outcomes in Undergraduate Simulation-Based Education: The Integrated Generation 4 Model . Journal of the American College of Surgeons vol. 227 , ( 4 ) e204 - e205 .
Hanrahan J, Theodoulou I, Pasha T, Nicolaides M, Stagias G, Psychalakis N, Velmahos GC, Tsoulfas G et al. ( 2018 ) . Optimizing Engagement of Medical Students in Surgical Education Research: The Medical Education Research Group Training Network . Journal of the American College of Surgeons . vol. 227 ,
Nicolaides M, Cardillo L, Theodoulou I, Hanrahan J, Tsoulfas G, Athanasiou T, Papalois A, Sideris M ( 2018 ) . Standardizing Undergraduate Non-Technical Skills Learning Strategies and Outcomes: A Systematic Review . Journal of the American College of Surgeons . vol. 227 ,
Hanrahan J, Sideris M, Tsitsopoulos PP, Bimpis A, Pasha T, Whitfield PC, Papalois AE ( 2018 ) . Increasing motivation and engagement in neurosurgery for medical students through practical simulation-based learning . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 34 , 75 - 79 .
Hanrahan J, Sideris M, Pasha T, Tsitsopoulos PP, Theodoulou I, Nicolaides M, Georgopoulou E-M, Kombogiorgas D et al. ( 2018 ) . Hands train the brain—what is the role of hand tremor and anxiety in undergraduate microsurgical skills? . Acta Neurochirurgica vol. 160 , ( 9 ) 1673 - 1679 .
Sideris M, Hanrahan J, Staikoglou N, Pantelidis P, Pidgeon C, Psychalakis N, Andersen N, Pittaras T et al. ( 2018 ) . Optimizing engagement of undergraduate students in medical education research: The eMERG training network . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 31 , 6 - 10 .
SIDERIS M, DONALDSON AN, HANRAHAN J, GRUNWALD M, PAPAGRIGORIADIS S ( 2018 ) . Radiotherapy May Offer a Recurrence and Survival Benefit in Rectal Cancers Treated Surgically with Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis . Anticancer Research vol. 38 , ( 4 ) 1879 - 1895 .
Pantelidis P, Chorti A, Papagiouvanni GPI, Paparoidamis G, Drosos C, Panagiotakopoulos T, Lales G, Sideris M ( 2018 ) . Virtual and Augmented Reality in Medical Education . Medical and Surgical Education - Past, Present and Future , IntechOpen
Sideris M, Hanrahan J, Tsoulfas G, Theodoulou I, Dhaif F, Papalois V, Papagrigoriadis S, Velmahos G et al. ( 2018 ) . Developing a novel international undergraduate surgical masterclass during a financial crisis: our 4-year experience . Postgraduate Medical Journal vol. 94 , ( 1111 ) 263 - 269 .
Theodoulou I, Nicolaides M, Athanasiou T, Papalois A, Sideris M ( 2018 ) . Simulation-Based Learning Strategies to Teach Undergraduate Students Basic Surgical Skills: A Systematic Review . Journal of Surgical Education vol. 75 , ( 5 ) 1374 - 1388 .
Pantelidis P, Kalliakmanis A, Mitas C, Sideris M, Grassos C, Pittaras A, Manolis A ( 2018 ) . Sodium-glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors: The Pleiotropic Mechanisms of Actions . Cardiovascular & Haematological Disorders - Drug Targets vol. 18 , ( 2 ) 86 - 93 .
Pantelidis P, Sideris M, Viigimaa M, Avranas K, Deligkaris P, Zografou I, Lovic D ( 2018 ) . The Mechanisms of Actions of Aldosterone and its Antagonists in Cardiovascular Disease . Current Pharmaceutical Design vol. 24 , ( 46 ) 5491 - 5499 .
Dhaif F, Paparoidamis G, Sideris M, Hanrahan J, Georgopoulou E-M, Tsagkaraki I, Staikoglou N, Saeed F et al. ( 2017 ) . The Role of Anxiety in Simulation-Based Dexterity and Overall Performance: Does It Really Matter? . Journal of Investigative Surgery vol. 32 , ( 2 ) 164 - 169 .
Plastiras A, Sideris M, Gaya A, Haji A, Nunoo-Mensah J, Haq A, Papagrigoriadis S ( 2017 ) . Waiting Time following Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Rectal Cancer: Does It Really Matter . Gastrointestinal Tumors vol. 4 , ( 3-4 ) 96 - 103 .
Shetty K, Poo SXW, Sriskandarajah K, Sideris M, Malietzis G, Darzi A, Athanasiou T ( 2017 ) . “The Longest Way Round Is The Shortest Way Home”: An Overhaul of Surgical Ward Rounds . World Journal of Surgery vol. 42 , ( 4 ) 937 - 949 .
Keskinis C, Bafitis V, Karailidou P, Pagonidou C, Pantelidis P, Rampotas A, Sideris M, Tsoulfas G et al. ( 2017 ) . The use of theatre in medical education in the emergency cases school: an appealing and widely accessible way of learning . Perspectives on Medical Education vol. 6 , ( 3 ) 199 - 204 .
SIDERIS M, MOORHEAD J, DIAZ-CANO S, HAJI A, PAPAGRIGORIADIS S ( 2017 ) . KRAS Mutant Status May Be Associated with Distant Recurrence in Early-stage Rectal Cancer . Anticancer Research vol. 37 , ( 3 ) 1349 - 1357 .
Pantelidis P, Sideris M, Tsoulfas G, Georgopoulou E-M, Tsagkaraki I, Staikoglou N, Stagias G, Psychalakis N et al. ( 2017 ) . Is In-Vivo laparoscopic simulation learning a step forward in the Undergraduate Surgical Education? . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 16 , 52 - 56 .
Drymiotou S, Towolawi A, Sideris M, Hogg M ( 2017 ) . Outpatient induction of labour: an audit on efficacy and safety outcome from a tertiary unit in the UK . BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY . vol. 124 , 107 - 107 .
Sideris M, Papalois A, Theodoraki K, Paparoidamis G, Staikoglou N, Tsagkaraki I, Koletsis E, Dedeilias P et al. ( 2016 ) . Introducing In Vivo Dissection Modules for Undergraduate Level Trainees: What Is the Actual Benefit and How Could We Make It More Efficient? . Indian Journal of Surgery vol. 80 , ( 1 ) 68 - 76 .
Sideris MC, Papalois AE, Athanasiou T, Dimitropoulos I, Theodoraki K, Dos Santos FS, Paparoidamis G, Staikoglou N et al. ( 2016 ) . Evaluating the educational environment of an international animal model-based wet lab course for undergraduate students . Annals of Medicine and Surgery vol. 12 , 8 - 17 .
SIDERIS M, MOORHEAD J, DIAZ-CANO S, BJARNASON I, HAJI A, PAPAGRIGORIADIS S ( 2016 ) . KRAS Mutant Status, p16 and β-catenin Expression May Predict Local Recurrence in Patients Who Underwent Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEMS) for Stage I Rectal Cancer . Anticancer Research vol. 36 , ( 10 ) 5315 - 5324 .
Sideris M, Papalois A, Dimitropoulos I, Johnson E, Georgopoulou E-MS, Staikoglou N, Paparidamis G, Tsiridis E et al. ( 2016 ) . Is Undergraduate Surgical Education Enough, and How Could We Improve It? The ESMSC International Wet Lab Course Paradigm . Journal of the American College of Surgeons vol. 223 , ( 4 )
Sideris M, Papalois A, Theodoraki K, Dimitropoulos I, Johnson EO, Georgopoulou E-M, Staikoglou N, Paparoidamis G et al. ( 2016 ) . Promoting Undergraduate Surgical Education: Current Evidence and Students’ Views on ESMSC International Wet Lab Course . Journal of Investigative Surgery vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 71 - 77 .
Pantelidis P, Staikoglou N, Paparoidamis G, Drosos C, Karamaroudis S, Samara A, Keskinis C, Sideris M et al. ( 2016 ) . Medical students’ satisfaction with the Applied Basic Clinical Seminar with Scenarios for Students, a novel simulation-based learning method in Greece . Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions vol. 13 ,
Kvasnovsky CL, Adams K, Sideris M, Laycock J, Haji AK, Haq A, Nunoo-Mensah J, Papagrigoriadis S ( 2016 ) . Elderly patients have more infectious complications following laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery . Colorectal Disease vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 94 - 100 .
Sideris M, Papalois A, Tsoulfas G, Majumder S, Toutouzas K, Koletsis E, Dedeilias P, Lymperopoulos N et al. ( 2015 ) . Developing an International Combined Applied Surgical Science and Wet Lab Simulation Course as an Undergraduate Teaching Model . BioMed Research International vol. 2015 , ( 1 )
Sideris M, Adams K, Moorhead J, Diaz-Cano S, Bjarnason I, Papagrigoriadis S ( 2015 ) . BRAF V600E mutation in colorectal cancer is associated with right-sided tumours and iron deficiency anaemia . Anticancer Research vol. 35 , ( 4 ) 2345 - 2350 .
Sideris M, Moore E, Sakthithasan M, Williams AP, Whitfield PC ( 2014 ) . The evaluation of the clinical presentation, MRI findings and immediate management of potential cauda equina syndrome referrals in a tertiary neurosurgical centre . International Journal of Surgery vol. 12 ,
Kvasnovsky CL, Adams K, Sideris M, Laycock J, Haji A, Haq A, Nunoo-Mensah J, Papagrigoriadis S ( 2014 ) . Elderly patients have more infectious complications following laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery . Journal of the American College of Surgeons vol. 219 , ( 4 )
Sideris M, Papagrigoriadis S ( 2014 ) . Molecular biomarkers and classification models in the evaluation of the prognosis of colorectal cancer . Anticancer Research vol. 34 , ( 5 ) 2061 - 2068 .