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Publications: Dr Nikola Ojkic

Ng TW, Ojkic N, Serbanescu D, Banerjee S ( 2024 ) . Differential growth regulates asymmetric size partitioning in Caulobacter crescentus . Life Science Alliance vol. 7 , ( 8 ) e202402591 - e202402591 .
Ojkic N, Serbanescu D, Banerjee S ( 2022 ) . Antibiotic Resistance via Bacterial Cell Shape-Shifting . mBio vol. 13 , ( 3 ) e00659 - e00622 .
Serbanescu D, Ojkic N, Banerjee S ( 2021 ) . Cellular resource allocation strategies for cell size and shape control in bacteria . The FEBS Journal vol. 289 , ( 24 ) 7891 - 7906 .
Benn G, Mikheyeva IV, Inns PG, Forster JC, Ojkic N, Bortolini C, Ryadnov MG, Kleanthous C et al. ( 2021 ) . Phase separation in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 118 , ( 44 )
Ojkic N, Banerjee S ( 2021 ) . Bacterial cell shape control by nutrient-dependent synthesis of cell division inhibitors . Biophysical Journal vol. 120 , ( 11 ) 2079 - 2084 .
Banerjee S, Lo K, Ojkic N, Stephens R, Scherer NF, Dinner AR ( 2021 ) . Mechanical feedback promotes bacterial adaptation to antibiotics . Nature Physics vol. 17 , ( 3 ) 403 - 409 .
Serbanescu D, Ojkic N, Banerjee S ( 2020 ) . Nutrient-Dependent Trade-Offs between Ribosomes and Division Protein Synthesis Control Bacterial Cell Size and Growth . Cell Reports vol. 32 , ( 12 )
Ojkic N, Lilja E, Direito S, Dawson A, Allen RJ, Waclaw B ( 2020 ) . A Roadblock-and-Kill Mechanism of Action Model for the DNA-Targeting Antibiotic Ciprofloxacin . Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy vol. 64 , ( 9 ) 10.1128/aac.02487 - 10.1128/aac.02419 .
Ojkic N, Serbanescu D, Banerjee S ( 2019 ) . Surface-to-volume scaling and aspect ratio preservation in rod-shaped bacteria . eLife vol. 8 ,
Watson C, Hush P, Williams J, Dawson A, Ojkic N, Titmuss S, Waclaw B ( 2018 ) . Reduced adhesion between cells and substrate confers selective advantage in bacterial colonies(a)(a) Contribution to the Focus Issue Evolutionary Modeling and Experimental Evolution edited by José Cuesta, Joachim Krug and Susanna Manrubia . EPL (Europhysics Letters) vol. 123 , ( 6 )
Lopez-Garrido J, Ojkic N, Khanna K, Wagner FR, Villa E, Endres RG, Pogliano K ( 2018 ) . Chromosome Translocation Inflates Bacillus Forespores and Impacts Cellular Morphology . Cell vol. 172 , ( 4 ) 758 - 770.e14 .
Ojkic N, López-Garrido J, Pogliano K, Endres RG ( 2016 ) . Cell-wall remodeling drives engulfment during Bacillus subtilis sporulation . eLife vol. 5 ,
Ojkic N, López-Garrido J, Pogliano K, Endres RG ( 2014 ) . Bistable Forespore Engulfment in Bacillus subtilis by a Zipper Mechanism in Absence of the Cell Wall . PLOS Computational Biology vol. 10 , ( 10 )
Laporte D, Ojkic N, Vavylonis D, Wu J-Q ( 2012 ) . α-Actinin and fimbrin cooperate with myosin II to organize actomyosin bundles during contractile-ring assembly . Molecular Biology of the Cell vol. 23 , ( 16 ) 3094 - 3110 .
Ojkic N, Wu J-Q, Vavylonis D ( 2011 ) . Model of myosin node aggregation into a contractile ring: the effect of local alignment . Journal of Physics Condensed Matter vol. 23 , ( 37 )
Xu T, Li H, Shen T, Ojkic N, Vavylonist D, Huang X ( 2011 ) . EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS OF ACTIN NETWORKS BASED ON OPEN ACTIVE CONTOUR MODELS . 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro . Conference: 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro vol. 1 , 1334 - 1340 .
Ojkic N, Vavylonis D ( 2010 ) . Kinetics of Myosin Node Aggregation into a Contractile Ring . Physical Review Letters vol. 105 , ( 4 )