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Publications: Dr Benjamin Neimark

Neimark B, Belcher O, Ashworth K, Larbi R ( 2023 ) . Concrete Impacts: Blast Walls, Wartime Emissions, and the US Occupation of Iraq . Antipode vol. 56 , ( 3 ) 983 - 1005 .
Johnson L, Mikulewicz M, Bigger P, Chakraborty R, Cunniff A, Griffin PJ, Guermond V, Lambrou N et al. ( 2023 ) . Intervention: The invisible labor of climate change adaptation . Global Environmental Change vol. 83 , 102769 - 102769 .
Neimark B ( 2023 ) . Hottest of the Hotspots The Rise of Eco-Precarious Conservation Labor in Madagascar .
Goldstein JE, Neimark B, Garvey B, Phelps J ( 2023 ) . Unlocking “lock-in” and path dependency: A review across disciplines and socio-environmental contexts . World Development vol. 161 ,
Rajaeifar MA, Belcher O, Parkinson S, Neimark B, Weir D, Ashworth K, Larbi R, Heidrich O ( 2022 ) . Decarbonize the military — mandate emissions reporting . Nature vol. 611 , ( 7934 ) 29 - 32 .
Amuzu D, Neimark B, Kull C ( 2022 ) . Bittersweet cocoa: Certification programmes in Ghana as battlegrounds for power, authority and legitimacy . Geoforum vol. 136 , 54 - 67 .
Bigger P, Kennelly C, Belcher O, Neimark B ( 2021 ) . 5. The Carbon Bootprint of the US Military and Prospects for a Safer Climate . Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis , Open Book Publishers
Atkins E, Follis L, Neimark BD, Thomas V ( 2021 ) . Uneven development, crypto-regionalism, and the (un-)tethering of nature in Quebec . Geoforum vol. 122 , 63 - 73 .
Neimark B, Childs J, Nightingale AJ, Cavanagh CJ, Sullivan S, Benjaminsen TA, Batterbury S, Koot S et al. ( 2020 ) . Speaking Power to “Post-Truth”: Critical Political Ecology and the New Authoritarianism . Environmental Governance in a Populist/Authoritarian Era , Taylor & Francis
Belcher O, Neimark B, Bigger P ( 2020 ) . The U.S. military is not sustainable . Science vol. 367 , ( 6481 ) 989.2 - 98990 .
Neimark B, Mahanty S, Dressler W, Hicks C ( 2020 ) . Not Just Participation: The Rise of the Eco‐Precariat in the Green Economy . Antipode vol. 52 , ( 2 ) 496 - 521 .
Neimark B, Osterhoudt S, Blum L, Healy T ( 2019 ) . Mob justice and ‘The civilized commodity’ . The Journal of Peasant Studies vol. 48 , ( 4 ) 734 - 753 .
Belcher O, Bigger P, Neimark B, Kennelly C ( 2019 ) . Hidden carbon costs of the “everywhere war”: Logistics, geopolitical ecology, and the carbon boot‐print of the US military . Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers vol. 45 , ( 1 ) 65 - 80 .
Neimark B ( 2019 ) . Address the roots of environmental crime . Science vol. 364 , ( 6436 ) 139.1 - 13139 .
Neimark B, Childs J, Nightingale AJ, Cavanagh CJ, Sullivan S, Benjaminsen TA, Batterbury S, Koot S et al. ( 2019 ) . Speaking Power to “Post-Truth”: Critical Political Ecology and the New Authoritarianism . Annals of the American Association of Geographers vol. 109 , ( 2 ) 613 - 623 .
Neimark B, Osterhoudt S, Alter H, Gradinar A ( 2019 ) . A new sustainability model for measuring changes in power and access in global commodity chains: through a smallholder lens . Humanities and Social Sciences Communications vol. 5 , ( 1 )
Neimark B, Toulmin C, Batterbury S ( 2018 ) . Peri-urban land grabbing? dilemmas of formalising tenure and land acquisitions around the cities of Bamako and Ségou, Mali . Journal of Land Use Science vol. 13 , ( 3 ) 319 - 324 .
Neimark BD, Healy TM ( 2018 ) . Small‐scale commodity frontiers: The bioeconomy value chain of castor oil in Madagascar . Journal of Agrarian Change vol. 18 , ( 3 ) 632 - 657 .
Bigger P, Neimark BD ( 2017 ) . Weaponizing nature: The geopolitical ecology of the US Navy’s biofuel program . Political Geography vol. 60 , 13 - 22 .
Neimark BD ( 2017 ) . Bioprospecting and Biopiracy . International Encyclopedia of Geography , Wiley
Neimark BD, Vermeylen S ( 2016 ) . A Human Right to Science?: Precarious Labor and Basic Rights in Science and Bioprospecting . Annals of the American Association of Geographers vol. 107 , ( 1 ) 167 - 182 .
Neimark BD ( 2016 ) . Biofuel imaginaries: The emerging politics surrounding ‘inclusive’ private sector development in Madagascar . Journal of Rural Studies vol. 45 , 146 - 156 .
Neimark B, Mahanty S, Dressler W ( 2016 ) . Mapping Value in a ‘Green’ Commodity Frontier: Revisiting Commodity Chain Analysis . Development and Change vol. 47 , ( 2 ) 240 - 265 .
Neimark BD, Wilson B ( 2015 ) . Re-mining the collections: From bioprospecting to biodiversity offsetting in Madagascar . Geoforum vol. 66 , 1 - 10 .
( 2014 ) . Conservation and Environmental Management in Madagascar . Taylor & Francis
Corson C, MacDonald KI, Neimark B ( 2013 ) . Grabbing “Green”: Markets, Environmental Governance and the Materialization of Natural Capital . Human Geography vol. 6 , ( 1 ) 1 - 15 .
Neimark BD ( 2012 ) . Industrializing nature, knowledge, and labour: The political economy of bioprospecting in Madagascar . Geoforum vol. 43 , ( 5 ) 980 - 990 .
Neimark BD ( 2012 ) . Finding that ‘eureka’ moment: the importance of keeping detailed field notes . African Geographical Review vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 76 - 79 .
Neimark B ( 2012 ) . Green grabbing at the ‘pharm’ gate: rosy periwinkle production in southern Madagascar . The Journal of Peasant Studies vol. 39 , ( 2 ) 423 - 445 .
Neimark B ( 2010 ) . Subverting Regulatory Protection of ‘Natural Commodities’: The Prunus Africana in Madagascar . Development and Change vol. 41 , ( 5 ) 929 - 954 .
Neimark BD ( 2009 ) . Models of benefit-sharing policy: Opportunities and challenges in ensuring equitable natural product discovery in Africa . ACS Symposium Series . vol. 1021 , 537 - 548 .
Neimark BD, Schroeder RA ( 2009 ) . Hotspot Discourse in Africa: Making Space for Bioprospecting in Madagascar . African Geographical Review vol. 28 , ( 1 ) 43 - 69 .

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