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Publications: Prof Caroline Knowles

Knowles C ( 2022 ) . Serious Money Walking Plutocratic London . Penguin UK
Knowles C, Knowles C ( 2022 ) . Infrastructures of Plutocratic London . Grammars of the Urban Ground ,
Burrows R, Knowles C ( 2019 ) . The “HAVES” and the “HAVE YACHTS”Socio- Spatial Struggles in London between the “Merely Wealthy” and the “Super- Rich” . Cultural Politics an International Journal vol. 15 , ( 1 ) 72 - 87 .
Martins A, Knowles C ( 2018 ) . Reflections on researching transnational migrants and the fieldwork challenges of studying co-nationals abroad . Sociedade e Cultura vol. 20 , ( 2 )
Amit V, Knowles C ( 2017 ) . Improvising and Navigating Mobilities: Tacking in Everyday Life . Theory Culture & Society vol. 34 , ( 7-8 ) 165 - 179 .
Knowles C ( 2017 ) . Untangling translocal urban textures of trash: plastics and plasticity in Addis Ababa . Social Anthropology vol. 25 , ( 3 ) 288 - 300 .
Knowles C ( 2017 ) . Reframing sociologies of ethnicity and migration in encounters with Chinese London . British Journal of Sociology vol. 68 , ( 3 ) 454 - 473 .
Knowles C ( 2017 ) . Walking plutocratic London: exploring erotic, phantasmagoric Mayfair . Social Semiotics vol. 27 , ( 3 ) 299 - 309 .
Knowles C ( 2016 ) . Home and Away . European Journal of Women's Studies vol. 7 , ( 3 ) 263 - 280 .
Knowles C ( 2015 ) . Sites of race . Ethnic and Racial Studies vol. 39 , ( 3 ) 520 - 522 .
Knowles C ( 2015 ) . Narratives of urban life . City vol. 19 , ( 5 ) 763 - 765 .
Knowles C ( 2015 ) . The Flip-Flop Trail and Fragile Globalization . Theory Culture & Society vol. 32 , ( 7-8 ) 231 - 244 .
Knowles C ( 2014 ) . The Urban Problematic: A Response to Ryan Bishop and John WP Phillips . Theory Culture & Society vol. 31 , ( 7-8 ) 319 - 322 .
Knowles C ( 2014 ) . Race, multiculture and social policy . Ethnic and Racial Studies vol. 38 , ( 3 ) 503 - 504 .
Knowles C, Burrows R ( 2014 ) . The impact of impact . Etnografica ( vol. 18 (2) ) 237 - 254 .
Knowles C ( 2014 ) . Flip-Flop A Journey Through Globalisation's Backroads . Pluto Press
Knowles C ( 2014 ) . Dancing with bulldozers: Migrant life on Beijing's periphery . City vol. 18 , ( 1 ) 52 - 68 .
Knowles C ( 2013 ) . Nigerian London: re-mapping space and ethnicity in superdiverse cities . Ethnic and Racial Studies vol. 36 , ( 4 ) 651 - 669 .
Knowles C ( 2012 ) . Nigerian London and British Hong Kong: rethinking migration, ethnicity and urban space through journeys . Identities vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 510 - 519 .
Coles P, Knowles C, Newbury D ( 2012 ) . Seeing the Olympics: images, spaces, legacies . Visual Studies vol. 27 , ( 2 ) 117 - 118 .
Knowles C ( 2011 ) . Cities on the move: Navigating urban life . City vol. 15 , ( 2 ) 135 - 153 .
Knowles C ( 2010 ) . ‘Mobile sociology’ . British Journal of Sociology vol. 61 , ( s1 ) 373 - 379 .
Knowles C, Harper D ( 2009 ) . Hong Kong Migrant Lives, Landscapes, and Journeys . University of Chicago Press
Knowles C ( 2009 ) . Afro Caribbeans and Schizophrenia: How Does Psychiatry Deal With Issues of Race, Culture and Ethnicity?* . Journal of Social Policy vol. 20 , ( 2 ) 173 - 190 .
Knowles C ( 2008 ) . The landscape of post-imperial whiteness in rural Britain . Ethnic and Racial Studies vol. 31 , ( 1 ) 167 - 184 .
Knowles C ( 2006 ) . Handling your Baggage in the Field Reflections on research relationships 1 . International Journal of Social Research Methodology vol. 9 , ( 5 ) 393 - 404 .
Knowles C ( 2006 ) . Seeing race through the lens . Ethnic and Racial Studies vol. 29 , ( 3 ) 512 - 529 .
Knowles C ( 2005 ) . Bedlam on the Streets . Routledge
Alexander C, Knowles C ( 2005 ) . Making Race Matter Bodies, Space and Identity . Red Globe Press
Knowles C ( 2005 ) . Race, Discourse and Labourism . Routledge
Halford S, Knowles C ( 2005 ) . More than Words: Some Reflections on Working Visually . Sociological Research Online vol. 10 , ( 1 ) 85 - 87 .
Harper D, Knowles C, Leonard P ( 2005 ) . Visually narrating postā€colonial lives: ghosts of war and empire . Visual Studies vol. 20 , ( 1 ) 4 - 15 .
Knowles C, Sweetman P ( 2004 ) . Picturing the Social Landscape Visual Methods and the Sociological Imagination . Routledge
Knowles C ( 2003 ) . Race and Social Analysis . SAGE
Knowles C ( 2002 ) . Changing Works: Visions of a Lost Agriculture . Sociological Research Online vol. 7 , ( 2 ) 150 - 152 .
Knowles C ( 2000 ) . Burger King, Dunkin Donuts and community mental health care . Health & Place vol. 6 , ( 3 ) 213 - 224 .
Knowles C ( 1999 ) . Race, Identities and Lives . The Sociological Review vol. 47 , ( 1 ) 110 - 135 .
Stymeist D, Amit-Talai V, Knowles C ( 1998 ) . Re-Situating Identities: The Politics of Race, Ethnicity and Culture . University of Victoria Libraries
Knowles C ( 1997 ) . Book Reviews . Transcultural Psychiatry vol. 34 , ( 3 ) 392 - 397 .
Knowles C ( 1996 ) . The symbolic empire and the history of racial inequality . Ethnic and Racial Studies vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 896 - 911 .
Knowles C ( 1996 ) . Racism and Psychiatry . Transcultural Psychiatry vol. 33 , ( 3 ) 297 - 318 .
Knowles C ( 1996 ) . Family Boundaries The Invention of Normality & Dangerousness . Broadview Press