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Publications: Dr Sathish Nammi

Korotygin D, Nammi SK, Pancholi K ( 2023 ) . The Effect of Ice Floe on the Strength, Stability, and Fatigue of Hybrid Flexible Risers in the Arctic Sea . Journal of Composites Science vol. 7 , ( 6 )
Nammi SK, Gupta R, Pancholi K ( 2022 ) . Comparative strength and stability analysis of conventional and lighter composite flexible risers in ultra-deep water subsea environment . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part E Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
Ismail A, Hugh G, Sathish KN, Lee M, James D ( 2022 ) . Modelling the Influence of Air Jet Configurations on Non-Woven Steel Fibre Mixing in the Melt Overflow Process . Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science vol. 12 , ( 02 ) 24 - 45 .
Nammi SK, Butt J, Mauricette J, Shirvani H ( 2017 ) . Numerical Analysis of Thermal Stresses around Fasteners in Composite Metal Foils . IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering vol. 280 , ( 1 )
Nammi SK, Edwards G, Shirvani H ( 2016 ) . Effect of cell-size on the energy absorption features of closed-cell aluminium foams . Acta Astronautica vol. 128 , 243 - 250 .
Nammi S, Mauricette JL, Patel I, Shirvani H ( 2016 ) . Stability of perforated plates with an in-plane pre-load on central cutout . Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science . vol. 2224 , 991 - 997 .
Nammi SK, Myler P, Edwards G ( 2010 ) . Finite element analysis of closed-cell aluminium foam under quasi-static loading . Materials & Design vol. 31 , ( 2 ) 712 - 722 .
Chinnaswamy GK, Chirwa EC, Nammi SK, Nowpada S, Chen T, Mao M ( 2007 ) . Benchmarking and accident characteristics of flat-fronted commercial vehicles with respect to pedestrian safety . International Journal of Crashworthiness vol. 12 , ( 3 ) 279 - 291 .