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Publications: Dr John Ford

Gkiouleka A, Munford L, Khavandi S, Watkinson R, Ford J ( 2024 ) . How can healthcare organisations improve the social determinants of health for their local communities? Findings from realist-informed case studies among secondary healthcare organisations in England . BMJ Open vol. 14 , ( 7 )
Painter H, Parry E, McCann L, Lunn AD, Ford J ( 2024 ) . Social needs screening in primary care: A tool in the fight for health equity? . Public Health in Practice vol. 7 ,
Harvey-Sullivan A, Lynch H, Tolley A, Gitlin-Leigh G, Kuhn I, Ford JA ( 2023 ) . What impact do self-referral and direct access pathways for patients have on health inequalities? . Health Policy vol. 139 ,
Gkiouleka A, Wong G, Sowden S, Bambra C, Siersbaek R, Manji S, Moseley A, Harmston R et al. ( 2023 ) . Reducing health inequalities through general practice . The Lancet Public Health vol. 8 , ( 6 ) e463 - e472 .
Vodden A, Holdroyd I, Bentley C, Marshall L, Barr B, Massou E, Ford J ( 2023 ) . Evaluation of the national governmental efforts between 1997 and 2010 in reducing health inequalities in England . Public Health vol. 218 , 128 - 135 .
Ford J, Black M, Morling J ( 2023 ) . Health inequality: Time to get smart about our language . Public Health in Practice vol. 5 ,