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Publications: Mr Johannes Schroth

Appios A, Davies J, Sirvent S, Henderson S, Trzebanski S, Schroth J, Law ML, Carvalho IB et al. ( 2024 ) . Convergent evolution of monocyte differentiation in adult skin instructs Langerhans cell identity . Science Immunology vol. 9 , ( 99 ) eadp0344 - eadp0344 .
Flaherty KR, Kucykowicz S, Schroth J, Traves W, Mincham KT, Finney GE ( 2023 ) . Efficacy of PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor therapy in melanoma and beyond: are peripheral T cell phenotypes the key? . Immunotherapy Advances vol. 3 , ( 1 )
Yildiz O, Schroth J, Tree T, Turner MR, Shaw PJ, Henson SM, Malaspina A ( 2022 ) . Senescent-like Blood Lymphocytes and Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis . Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation vol. 10 , ( 1 )
Yildiz O, Schroth J, Lombardi V, Pucino V, Bobeva Y, Yip PK, Schmierer K, Mauro C et al. ( 2022 ) . The Expression of Active CD11b Monocytes in Blood and Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis . International Journal of Molecular Sciences vol. 23 , ( 6 )
Callender L, Carroll E, Ketchley-Garrod C, Schroth J, BYSTROM J, Berryman V, Pattrick M, Campbell-Richards D et al. ( 2021 ) . Altered nutrient uptake causes mitochondrial dysfunction in senescent CD8+ EMRA T cells during type 2 diabetes . Frontiers in Aging
Callender LA, Schroth J, Carroll EC, Garrod-Ketchley C, Romano LEL, Hendy E, Kelly A, Lavender P et al. ( 2021 ) . GATA3 induces mitochondrial biogenesis in primary human CD4+ T cells during DNA damage . Nature Communications
Schroth J, Weber V, Jones TF, Del Arroyo AG, Henson SM, Ackland GL ( 2021 ) . Preoperative lymphopaenia, mortality, and morbidity after elective surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis . British Journal of Anaesthesia
Schroth J, Henson SM ( 2020 ) . Mitochondrial Dysfunction Accelerates Ageing . Immunometabolism vol. 2 , ( 4 ) e200035 - e200035 .
Schroth J, Thiemermann C, Henson SM ( 2020 ) . Senescence and the Aging Immune System as Major Drivers of Chronic Kidney Disease . Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology vol. 8 , 564461 - 564461 .

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