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Publications: Dr Ruth Evans

Evans REC, Watson H, Waller J, Nicholson BD, Round T, Gildea C, Smith D, Scott SE ( 2024 ) . Advice after urgent suspected cancer referral when cancer is not found in England: Survey of patients’ preferences and perceived acceptability . Preventive Medicine Reports vol. 43 ,
Scott SE, Gildea C, Nicholson BD, Evans RE, Waller J, Smith D, Purushotham A, Round T ( 2023 ) . Future cancer risk after urgent suspected cancer referral in England when cancer is not found: a national cohort study . The Lancet Oncology vol. 24 , ( 11 ) 1242 - 1251 .
Evans REC, Waller J, Nicholson BD, Round T, Gildea C, Smith D, Scott SE ( 2023 ) . Should we? Could we? Feasibility of interventions to support prevention or early diagnosis of future cancer following urgent referral: A qualitative study . Patient Education and Counseling vol. 112 ,
Barber V, Evans R, Ramnarayan P, Wray J, team OBOTDS ( 2023 ) . What Happens When you Ask for Feedback? Anticipating and Addressing Challenges Can Be Effective for Eliciting Parents’ Views About Their Critically Ill Child's Retrieval to Paediatric Intensive Care . Journal of Patient Experience vol. 10 ,
Scott SE, Bruj G, Beheshti S, Evans R, Awojobi O ( 2022 ) . Talking about cancer: Patient responses to raising awareness of oral cancer in primary dental care . Community Dentistry And Oral Epidemiology vol. 51 , ( 5 ) 887 - 895 .
Evans REC, Barber V, Seaton S, Ramnarayan P, Davies P, Wray J, Group OBOTDS ( 2022 ) . Is Parental Presence in the Ambulance Associated With Parental Satisfaction During Emergency Pediatric Intensive Care Retrieval? A Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study . Pediatric Critical Care Medicine vol. 23 , ( 9 ) 708 - 716 .
Evans REC, Barber V, Seaton S, Draper ES, Rajah F, Pagel C, Polke E, Ramnarayan P et al. ( 2021 ) . Development of a parent experience measure for paediatric critical care transport teams . Nursing in Critical Care vol. 27 , ( 3 ) 367 - 374 .
Miles A, Evans REC, Taylor SA ( 2020 ) . Predictors of distress among patients undergoing staging investigations for suspected colorectal and lung cancer . Psychology Health & Medicine vol. 26 , ( 7 ) 887 - 898 .
Miles A, Evans RE, Halligan S, Beare S, Bridgewater J, Goh V, Janes SM, Navani N et al. ( 2020 ) . Predictors of patient preference for either whole body magnetic resonance imaging (WB‐MRI) or CT/ PET‐CT for staging colorectal or lung cancer . Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology vol. 64 , ( 4 ) 537 - 545 .
Evans REC, Taylor SA, Kalasthry J, Sakai NS, Miles A, investigators S, Aboagye A, Agoramoorthy L et al. ( 2019 ) . Patient deprivation and perceived scan burden negatively impact the quality of whole-body MRI . Clinical Radiology vol. 75 , ( 4 ) 308 - 315 .
Ramnarayan P, Evans R, Draper ES, Seaton SE, Wray J, Morris S, Pagel C ( 2019 ) . Differences in access to Emergency Paediatric Intensive Care and care during Transport (DEPICT): study protocol for a mixed methods study . BMJ Open vol. 9 , ( 7 )
Taylor SA, Mallett S, Beare S, Bhatnagar G, Blunt D, Boavida P, Bridgewater J, Clarke CS et al. ( 2019 ) . Diagnostic accuracy of whole-body MRI versus standard imaging pathways for metastatic disease in newly diagnosed colorectal cancer: the prospective Streamline C trial . The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Taylor SA, Mallett S, Ball S, Beare S, Bhatnagar G, Bhowmik A, Boavida P, Bridgewater J et al. ( 2019 ) . Diagnostic accuracy of whole-body MRI versus standard imaging pathways for metastatic disease in newly diagnosed non-small-cell lung cancer: the prospective Streamline L trial . The Lancet Respiratory Medicine vol. 7 , ( 6 ) 523 - 532 .
Miles A, Taylor SA, Evans REC, Halligan S, Beare S, Bridgewater J, Goh V, Janes S et al. ( 2019 ) . Patient preferences for whole-body MRI or conventional staging pathways in lung and colorectal cancer: a discrete choice experiment . European Radiology
Miles A, Taylor S, Evans R, Halligan S, Beare S, Bridgewater J, Goh V, Janes S et al. ( 2019 ) . Patient preferences for whole body MRI or conventional staging pathways in lung and colorectal cancer: A discrete choice experiment . PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY . vol. 28 , 24 - 24 .
Evans RE, Taylor SA, Beare S, Halligan S, Morton A, Oliver A, Rockall A, Miles A ( 2018 ) . Perceived patient burden and acceptability of whole body MRI for staging lung and colorectal cancer; comparison with standard staging investigations . British Journal of Radiology vol. 91 , ( 1086 )
Evans R, Taylor S, Janes S, Halligan S, Morton A, Navani N, Oliver A, Rockall A et al. ( 2017 ) . Patient experience and perceived acceptability of whole-body magnetic resonance imaging for staging colorectal and lung cancer compared with current staging scans: a qualitative study . BMJ Open vol. 7 , ( 9 )
Evans RE, Morris M, Sekhon M, Buszewicz M, Walter FM, Waller J, Simon AE ( 2014 ) . Increasing awareness of gynaecological cancer symptoms: a GP perspective . British Journal of General Practice vol. 64 , ( 623 ) e372 - e380 .
Evans RE, Beeken RJ, Steptoe A, Wardle J ( 2011 ) . Cancer information and anxiety: Applying the Extended Parallel Process Model . Journal of Health Psychology vol. 17 , ( 4 ) 579 - 589 .
Evans REC, Simon AE, Wardle J ( 2010 ) . Public perceptions of the harms and benefits of testicular cancer education: A qualitative study . Cancer Epidemiology vol. 34 , ( 2 ) 212 - 219 .
Marlow LAV, Waller J, Evans REC, Wardle J ( 2009 ) . Predictors of interest in HPV vaccination: A study of British adolescents . Vaccine vol. 27 , ( 18 ) 2483 - 2488 .
Brotherstone H, Vance M, Edwards R, Miles A, Robb KA, Evans REC, Wardle J, Atkin W ( 2007 ) . Uptake of population-based flexible sigmoidoscopy screening for colorectal cancer: a nurse-led feasibility study . Journal of Medical Screening vol. 14 , ( 2 ) 76 - 80 .
Evans REC, Steptoe A, Wardle J ( 2006 ) . Testicular self-examination: change in rates of practice in European university students, from 13 countries, over a 10-year period . Journal of Men's Health vol. 3 , ( 4 ) 368 - 372 .
Grant C, Nicholas R, Moore L, Salisbury C ( 2002 ) . An observational study comparing quality of care in walk-in centres with general practice and NHS Direct using standardised patients . The BMJ vol. 324 , ( 7353 )

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