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Publications: Dr Gilad Livne

Carmona S, Filatotchev I, Fisch JH, Livne G ( 2023 ) . Integrating contemporary accounting and international business research: progress so far and opportunities for the future . Accounting and Business Research1 - 23 .
Livne G, Tsipouridou M, Wood A ( 2023 ) . Do Audit Committees and Auditors Coordinate Effort? Evidence from Risk Areas, Materiality and Meetings . The Accounting Review1 - 24 .
Gavious I, Livne G, Chen E ( 2022 ) . Does tax avoidance increase or decrease when tax enforcement is stronger? Evidence using CSR heterogeneity perspective . International Review of Financial Analysis vol. 84 ,
Chu J, Gupta A, Livne G ( 2020 ) . Pay regulation – is more better? . Accounting and Business Research vol. 51 , ( 1 ) 1 - 35 .
Horton J, Livne G, Pettinicchio A ( 2020 ) . Empirical Evidence on Audit Quality under a Dual Mandatory Auditor Rotation Rule . European Accounting Review vol. 30 , ( 1 ) 1 - 29 .
Filatotchev I, Jona J, Livne G ( 2019 ) . Earnings Management in Domestic and Foreign IPOs in the United States: Do Home Country Institutions Matter? . European Accounting Review vol. 29 , ( 2 ) 307 - 335 .
Jarva H, Kallunki J-P, Livne G ( 2019 ) . Earnings performance measures and CEO turnover: Street versus GAAP earnings . Journal of Corporate Finance vol. 56 , 249 - 266 .
Amir E, Guan Y, Livne G ( 2018 ) . Abnormal Fees and Timely Loss Recognition—A Long-Term Perspective . Auditing A Journal of Practice & Theory vol. 38 , ( 3 ) 1 - 22 .
Livne G, Markarian G ( 2018 ) . Fair value accounting and executive compensation . The Routledge Companion to Fair Value in Accounting ,
Livne G, Markarian G ( 2018 ) . Preface . The Routledge Companion to Fair Value in Accountingxvi - xvii .
Livne G, Markarian G ( 2018 ) . The routledge companion to fair value in accounting .
Livne G ( 2015 ) . Accounting for Human Capital . Wiley Encyclopedia of Management , Wiley
Livne G, Markarian G, Mironov M ( 2013 ) . Investment horizon, risk, and compensation in the banking industry . Journal of Banking & Finance vol. 37 , ( 9 ) 3669 - 3680 .
Livne G, Markarian G ( 2012 ) . The routledge companion to fair value and financial reporting .
Livne G, Markarian G, Milne A ( 2011 ) . Bankers' compensation and fair value accounting . Journal of Corporate Finance vol. 17 , ( 4 ) 1096 - 1115 .
Livne G, Simpson A, Talmor E ( 2011 ) . Do Customer Acquisition Cost, Retention and Usage Matter to Firm Performance and Valuation? . Journal of Business Finance &amp Accounting vol. 38 , ( 3‐4 ) 334 - 363 .
Amir E, Guan Y, Livne G ( 2010 ) . Auditor Independence and the Cost of Capital Before and After Sarbanes–Oxley: The Case of Newly Issued Public Debt . European Accounting Review vol. 19 , ( 4 ) 633 - 664 .
Livne G, McNichols M ( 2009 ) . An Empirical Investigation of the True and Fair Override in the United Kingdom . Journal of Business Finance &amp Accounting vol. 36 , ( 1‐2 ) 1 - 30 .
Livne G ( 2007 ) . Discussion of Divergence of Opinion and Post Acquisition Performance . Journal of Business Finance &amp Accounting vol. 34 , ( 3‐4 ) 461 - 466 .
Amir E, Guan Y, Livne G ( 2006 ) . The Association of R&D and Capital Expenditures with Subsequent Earnings Variability . Journal of Business Finance &amp Accounting vol. 34 , ( 1‐2 ) 222 - 246 .
Amir E, Livne G ( 2005 ) . Accounting, Valuation and Duration of Football Player Contracts . Journal of Business Finance &amp Accounting vol. 32 , ( 3‐4 ) 549 - 586 .
Livne G ( 2000 ) . Information Asymmetry, Investment Horizons, and the Dual Role of Public Announcements . Review of Accounting Studies vol. 5 , ( 2 ) 127 - 153 .