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Publications: Dr Giorgos Gouzoulis

Gouzoulis G, Iliopoulos P, Galanis G ( 2024 ) . Financialisation, Underemployment and the Disconnected Greek Capitalism . Industrial Relations Journal
Gouzoulis G, Iliopoulos PT, Galanis G ( 2024 ) . EU-induced financialisation and its impact on the Greek wage share, 1999–2021 . European Journal of Industrial Relations
Gouzoulis G, Galanis G, Iliopoulos PT ( 2024 ) . Financialisation, Shareholder Value Orientation, & the Decline of Trade Union Membership in the EU . Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research vol. 30 , ( 2 ) 161 - 179 .
Gouzoulis G ( 2023 ) . Does Household Indebtedness Contribute to the Decline of Union Density? . New Political Economy vol. 29 , ( 3 ) 414 - 431 .
Mazzucato M, Ryan-Collins J, Gouzoulis G ( 2023 ) . Mapping modern economic rents: the good, the bad, and the grey areas . Cambridge Journal of Economics vol. 47 , ( 3 ) 507 - 534 .
Gouzoulis G ( 2023 ) . What do indebted employees do? Financialisation and the decline of industrial action . Industrial Relations Journal vol. 54 , ( 1 ) 71 - 94 .
Stockhammer E, Gouzoulis G ( 2022 ) . Debt-GDP cycles in historical perspective: the case of the USA (1889–2014) . Industrial and Corporate Change vol. 32 , ( 2 ) 317 - 335 .
Gouzoulis G, Iliopoulos P, Galanis G ( 2022 ) . Financialization and the rise of atypical work . British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 61 , ( 1 ) 24 - 45 .
Gouzoulis G, Constantine C, Ajefu J ( 2021 ) . Economic and political determinants of the South African labour share, 1971–2019 . Economic and Industrial Democracy vol. 44 , ( 1 ) 184 - 207 .
Gouzoulis G ( 2021 ) . Financialisation, globalisation, and the industrial labour share: A comparison between Iran and Thailand . Industrial Relations Journal vol. 53 , ( 1 ) 35 - 52 .
Gouzoulis G, Constantine C ( 2021 ) . Varieties of functional income inequality in Latin America: Chile and Mexico compared . Socio-Economic Review vol. 20 , ( 3 ) 1015 - 1037 .
Gouzoulis G, Galanis G ( 2021 ) . The impact of financialisation on public health in times of COVID‐19 and beyond . Sociology of Health & Illness vol. 43 , ( 6 ) 1328 - 1334 .
Gouzoulis G ( 2020 ) . Finance, Discipline and the Labour Share in the Long‐Run: France (1911–2010) and Sweden (1891–2000) . British Journal of Industrial Relations vol. 59 , ( 2 ) 568 - 594 .
Papadopoulou A, Gouzoulis G ( 2020 ) . Social Structures of Accumulation in Greece, 1980–2014 . Review of Political Economy vol. 32 , ( 2 ) 199 - 215 .
Gouzoulis G, Constantine C ( 2019 ) . Class conflict, fiscal policy, and wage-led demand: A model of Kalecki’s Political Business Cycle . Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy vol. 10 , ( 2 ) 51 - 70 .