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Publications: Ms Ninian Schmeising-Barnes

Schmeising-Barnes N, Waller J, Marlow LAV ( 2024 ) . Attitudes to multi-cancer early detection (MCED) blood tests for population-based screening: A qualitative study in Great Britain . Social Science & Medicine vol. 347 ,
Marlow LAV, Schmeising-Barnes N, Warwick J, Waller J ( 2023 ) . Psychological Impact of the Galleri test (sIG(n)al): protocol for a longitudinal evaluation of the psychological impact of receiving a cancer signal in the NHS-Galleri trial . BMJ Open vol. 13 , ( 7 )
Marlow LAV, Schmeising-Barnes N, Brain K, Duncombe S, Robb KA, Round T, Sanderson SC, Waller J ( 2022 ) . Multi-cancer early detection tests for cancer screening: a behavioural science perspective . The Lancet Oncology vol. 23 , ( 7 ) 837 - 839 .