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Publications: Dr Mohsin Badat

Tummala H, Walne AJ, Badat M, Patel M, Walne AM, Alnajar J, Chow CC, Albursan I et al. ( 2024 ) . The evolving genetic landscape of telomere biology disorder dyskeratosis congenita . EMBO Molecular Medicine vol. 16 , ( 10 ) 2560 - 2582 .
Badat M, Ejaz A, Hua P, Rice S, Zhang W, Hentges LD, Fisher CA, Denny N et al. ( 2023 ) . Direct correction of haemoglobin E β-thalassaemia using base editors . Nature Communications vol. 14 , ( 1 )
Badat M, Sivaguru G, Bain BJ ( 2023 ) . Ophthalmic presentation of chronic myeloid leukemia in two adolescents . American Journal of Hematology vol. 98 , ( 7 ) 1117 - 1118 .
Platton S, Schönborn L, Charrot S, Badat M, Boot J, McDonald V, Sivapalaratnam S, Bariana T et al. ( 2021 ) . Vaccine‐induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis: The decline in anti‐platelet factor 4 antibodies is assay‐dependent . British Journal of Haematology vol. 197 , ( 4 ) 428 - 430 .
Hua P, Badat M, Hanssen LLP, Hentges LD, Crump N, Downes DJ, Jeziorska DM, Oudelaar AM et al. ( 2021 ) . Defining genome architecture at base-pair resolution . Nature vol. 595 , ( 7865 ) 125 - 129 .
Badat M, Davies JOJ, Fisher CA, Downes DJ, Rose A, Glenthøj AB, van Beers EJ, Harteveld CL et al. ( 2021 ) . A remarkable case of HbH disease illustrates the relative contributions of the α-globin enhancers to gene expression . Blood vol. 137 , ( 4 ) 572 - 575 .
Mettananda S, Fisher CA, Hay D, Badat M, Quek L, Clark K, Hublitz P, Downes D et al. ( 2017 ) . Editing an α-globin enhancer in primary human hematopoietic stem cells as a treatment for β-thalassemia . Nature Communications vol. 8 , ( 1 )
Badat M, Davies J ( 2017 ) . Gene Therapy in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease . New England Journal of Medicine vol. 376 , ( 21 ) 2093 - 2094 .
Badat M, Oyesanya F, Cervi P ( 2016 ) . CLL with intra-cytoplasmic lymphocytic inclusion bodies . International Journal of Hematology vol. 104 , ( 4 ) 411 - 412 .
Maciocia P, Badat M, Cheesman S, D'Sa S, Joshi R, Lambert J, Mohamedbhai S, Pule M et al. ( 2015 ) . Treatment of diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma with secondary central nervous system involvement: encouraging efficacy using CNS‐penetrating R‐IDARAM chemotherapy . British Journal of Haematology vol. 172 , ( 4 ) 545 - 553 .
Badat M, Kaya B, Telfer P ( 2015 ) . Combination‐therapy with concurrent deferoxamine and deferiprone is effective in treating resistant cardiac iron‐loading in aceruloplasminaemia . British Journal of Haematology vol. 171 , ( 3 ) 430 - 432 .

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